Lopez-Orozco sentencing delayed

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A man convicted of murdering a woman and two of her children in Elmore County more than 10 years ago will now face sentencing in March.

Jorge Lopez-Orozco was originally scheduled to be sentenced on Monday after he was convicted last November of killing Rebecca Ramirez and her children, Miguel and Ricardo, in 2002.

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  • All these delays are about his legal team soaking up more of the taxpayer dollar. There needs to be a reasonable spending limit on these trials where the verdict is cut and dry. The Duncan case is another abuse of the taxpayer dollar by court appointed legal teams.

    -- Posted by gmoney on Wed, Jan 16, 2013, at 1:42 PM
  • manure huh? rights? what about the three people he killed .They had rights too the right to live.he did that to himself when he decided what he wanted to do that nite we live in the usa where we have to pay for our crimes this is not mexico.bless those people that work so hard to give us justice and maybe save someone else life.hope you are never in that familys place where you will see things different .God bless america

    -- Posted by hernandez.helen1@gmail.com on Thu, Jan 17, 2013, at 9:53 PM
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