Family member missing :(

Our home is not the same without our dog, who has been taken from Mtn View Reservoir on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation on July 8th, 2012. He was just 4 weeks old when we got him, free from someone at Walmart, so we called him "Wally". He's black with a white strip down the front of his head, shaped like the end of a arrow and white around the collar and down his front legs with a black dot on the top of his neck and four white paws, he's about a year and a half old. We miss him dearly and want him back. Our other Lab dog crys everyday for him and is still looking for him, and that is no lie. They like to go to the lake to swim, which is only about 1/2 mile from our home. My kids miss "Wally" so much and so do I. So PLEASE if you know of his where abouts, please contact us. We believe he is in the Glenns Ferry area with some fisherman that came to fish here at Mtn View Reservoir. I would have called 911 for an amber alert, that's how much he means to us. He's out there somewhere and is missing us too :(
(208)859-4924 please call me with information