WECRD approves $10,000 for indoor baseball practice facility

Thursday, August 30, 2012

During a special meeting Thursday evening, the Western Elmore County Recreation District's board of directors approved a grant request aimed at providing long-term benefits for the community's baseball and softball programs.

The $10,000 request will help cover the final costs to build an indoor baseball and softball practice facility next to Mountain Home High School.

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    Really? Do we really need this? An indoor baseball facilty. What a waste.

    -- Posted by shockwave on Tue, Sep 4, 2012, at 9:56 AM
  • Yes!Really! The WECRD is doing what it is supposed to be doing. Supporting recrecation in this town! Having rasised one daughter, one son, and now another son that all play ball, this is a wonderful thing! Have you ever tried to practice baseball or softball in February and March when it is snowing or the wind is blowing so hard and is so cold that it is dangerous for the kids to practice? Or when there is a break in the weather they can't use the field because it is too wet from the rain. They try and hold practice in the high school gym but you really can't hit a baseball or a softball in there. You barely have room for the pitchers to throw. This facility will be used by hundreds of kids. From high school players all the way down to the rookies in the Babe Ruth program. Our kids are tired of being behind all the other schools because the other schools have been holding informal practices indoors at thier schools starting usually as soon as football is over. Our kids have never had that luxury and that is not just high school kids. The kids in Boise Little League and Babe Ruth League are all starting to use indoor facilities during their off season to keep their skills up. It is no fun to go out and play when you get beat up all the time because you have only been able to play and practice when the weather allows for it. Trust me, they have tried to practice in the wind, rain, and snow and it is no fun. Our kids will be a little bit more competitive with the kids from other areas now because they will be able to keep up with their skills in the offseason. Yes Really! This is a wonderful thig!!!

    -- Posted by MHMomof 3 on Tue, Sep 4, 2012, at 10:23 AM
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