Official briefs city on Safe Routes initiative
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Sudie Ballard stops traffic as students from East Elementary School cross the intersection of North 10th East and East 8th North streets on Friday. The Safe Routes to School initiative in Mountain Home seeks to improve student safety for those traveling to and from East Elementary as well as Hacker Middle schools. Photo by Brian S. Orban
New crossing signals, sidewalk and curb repairs and fresh paint highlighted a series of proposed initiatives aimed at making it safer for students to get to and from local area schools.
Representatives with Idaho's Safe Routes to School team highlighted these recommendations during a recent briefing before the Mountain Home City Council.
Culminating a year-long effort that examined current conditions around East Elementary and Hacker Middle schools, the briefing identified a number of safety issues around both buildings. For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.