Elmore County Sheriff's Office Activity Report for March 14-20, 2012
March 14
00:40 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd
06:23 Tow Request, Hwy 20
07:40 Vehicle Stop, Ditto Crk/Hwy 30
09:22 Traffic, I-84 Exit 120
09:46 Hazard, I-84 EB MM112
10:27 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30/Saylor Crk Rd
13:13 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM131
13:44 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM130
14:29 VIN Inspection, Colleen Dr
18:01 Animal, Hwy 51
18:19 Info, Loveridge Bridge
18:37 Vehicle Stop, Old GV Hwy
18:52 Suspicious, Old Hwy 30
20:55 Welfare, N18E
21:15 Shots Heard, S3W B St
22:13 Barking Dog, NE Rocket Dr
March 15
01:23 Search Warrant, S3W
01:57 Attempt to Locate, Elmore County
04:39 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd
04:55 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd
05:13 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd
05:29 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd
05:58 Vehicle Stop, American Legion Blvd
06:18 Hazard, I-84 WB MM116
08:00 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30/S18E
08:10 Assist, I-84 EB MM115
09:07 Suspicious
09:16 Assist, 1st/Bannock
09:20 Animal, Canyon Crk
10:02 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20
11:16 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30
11:42 Animal, Beaman
11:46 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM89
12:03 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM94
16:29 Animal, Glenns Ferry
17:37 Suspicious Circumstance, Glenns Ferry
19:29 Vehicle Stop, N18/Reservoir
21:20 Assist, E15N
March 16
02:21 Vehicle Stop, Glenns Ferry
02:31 Subject Stop, Glenns Ferry
05:04 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67
05:59 Vehicle Stop, American Legion Blvd
06:29 Traffic, I-84 EB MM85
08:28 Flagged Down, Canyon Crk
09:19 Suspicious, Glenns Ferry
09:50 VIN Inspection, Tipanuk
11:05 Info, Glenns Ferry
12:39 Traffic, I-84 EB MM78
13:47 Traffic, I-84 EB MM85
14:02 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM74
14:31 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM129
14:43 Animal, N18E
14:49 Abandoned Vehicle, Glenns Ferry
15:04 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM130
15:07 Vehicle Stop, Hammett
15:17 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM94
16:17 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM107
16:18 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM98
16:24 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM130
16:30 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM92
16:53 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM97
17:54 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM133
17:55 Citizen Assist, Hwy 20
18:13 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM99
18:22 Vehicle Stop, Old Oregon Trail
18:27 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM135
19:16 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM133
19:26 Vehicle Stop, MH
19:35 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM135.5
19:39 Assist, MH
20:07 Vehicle Stop, MH
20:14 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20
20:34 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM104
22:01 Traffic, I-84 WB MM104
22:02 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM126
22:16 Abandoned Vehicle, I-84 WB MM128
23:11 Animal, Hwy 51
23:51 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd
23:55 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20/Hot Crk Rd
March 17
Happy St. Patrick's Day
01:10 Subject Stop, SE Farmway Ln
04:25 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM95
07:49 Search and Rescue
07:51 Assist
08:02 Civil, Ditto Crk Rd
10:01 Collision, Property Damage, Pine-Featherville
10:45 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB
11:51 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20/Rattlesnake Station
14:06 Vehicle Stop, Simco Rd
14:30 Animal, NE Vista Way
15:59 Info, Elmore County Detention Ctr
16:00 Citizen Assist
16:06 Assist, Johnson Bridge
16:48 Vehicle Stop, N18/Golf Course Rim
16:56 Vehicle Stop, Reservoir Rd
17:06 Traffic, Hwy 51
17:46 Vehicle Stop, S18/Hwy 30
18:16 Trespassing, Cinder Butte Rd/Oregon Trail
19:43 Traffic, I-84 EB MM71
20:30 Traffic, I-84 EB MM90
20:56 Assist, NW Ash
21:07 Suspicious, MH
21:14 Vehicle Stop, Canyon Crk/NW Frontage
21:23 Suspicious, Canyon Crk
22:12 Vehicle Stop, NW Carrie Cir
22:22 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd/NW Bradford
22:26 Suspicious Circumstance, NW Frontage Rd
March 18
00:49 Assist, S18
01:04 Vehicle Stop, 18
01:21 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM87
01:29 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67
01:46 Vehicle Stop, I-84 Exit 90
02:14 Fight, MH
02:17 Vehicle Stop, Daniels Rd
02:35 Assist, MH
07:12 Motorist Assist, Ditto Crk/Bypass
10:22 Assist, N2W
12:37 Assist, King Hill
12:45 Family Fight, Hwy 20
12:49 Rape, NW Bradford
13:11 Citizen Assist, Glenns Ferry
13:59 Traffic, I-84 EB MM121
14:38 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM126
14:44 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM126
15:04 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM127
15:16 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM127
15:44 Assist, Glenns Ferry
15:49 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM129
16:47 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM133
17:17 Vehicle Stop, N2
17:30 Vehicle Stop, hwy 51
17:38 Welfare, Hwy 51
18:02 Welfare, I-84 WB MM127-125
18:21 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM133
19:59 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM105
20:30 Animal, Hwy 30
22:03 Vehicle Stop, Glenns Ferry
22:19 Collision, Personal Injury, I-84 WB MM114.5
March 19
00:48 Vehicle Stop, S Main/18
00:57 Vehicle Stop, S18/Sunrise
01:26 Motorist Assist, I-84 EB MM111
06:29 Vehicle Stop, Airbase/Haskett
06:36 Vehicle Stop, Airbase/Bradford
07:17 Civil, Glenns Ferry
09:10 Abandoned Vehicle, S5W/Pauite St
09:18 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM131
09:29 Abandoned Vehicle, I-84 EB MM134
09:56 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM129
10:08 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM124
10:22 Abandoned Vehicle, S3W
11:58 Follow-Up, Hwy 20
12:28 Subject Stop, Hwy 20 MM97
12:36 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM131
13:11 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM114
14:24 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30
15:29 Follow-Up, Hwy 20 MM101
15:41 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM95
15:58 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM74
16:02 Theft, Shoestring Rd
16:07 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM96
16:19 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM96
16:39 Motorist Assist, I-84 Exit 90
17:29 Citizen Assist, MH
20:04 Vehicle Stop, Canyon Crk/NW Carrie
20:09 Vehicle Stop, Canyon Crk/Wilson
20:16 Vehicle Stop, N12/Sunset Strip
20:17 Assist, E10N
20:20 Vehicle Stop, Sunset Strip/Canyon Crk
20:48 Vehicle Stop, hwy 30
21:04 Traffic, I-84 EB MM110
21:39 Vehicle Stop, S Haskett
21:58 Traffic, I-84 WB Glenns Ferry Exit
22:16 Vehicle Stop, 10/American Legion Blvd
March 20
02:23 Motorist Assist, I-84 Exit 99
05:47 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67
06:20 Open, MH
09:09 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM133
10:26 Traffic, I-84 WB MM90
11:35 Burglary, Hwy 20
14:24 Assault, NW Ash Ave
14:45 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM128
15:40 Traffic, Hwy 30
16:39 Illegal Dumping, Hwy 167
17:57 Traffic, I-84 EB MM76
18:22 Animal, N18E
18:38 Vehicle Stop, Mashburn/Ditto Crk
18:43 Vehicle Stop, Ditto Crk
19:03 Traffic, I-84 EB MM121
21:11 Abandoned Vehicle, Canal Rd