Forced marital seperation
Anyone considering marriage to an illegal immigrate think twice....Getting legal residence is next to impossible. If you do marry don't try getting legal residence unless you're willing to move to your spouses country of orgin for at least 10 years. That is the option the US government gave me.
I met Eva in 2006. It was love at first site for both her and her daughters ages 2 and 3. We started living together in February 2007. I found out later she was an illegal immigrate from Mexico.
I never gave it much thought. It was my understanding once married you could apply for legal status and over a period of time get it. Boy was I wrong.
We married November 2008 and began the long, costly process of applying for her citizenship. We applied for citizenship through attorneys and over two years later my wife received an appointment to the United States embassy in Mexico. Our attorneys advised us she might have to stay in country 6 months to a year. Instead it was 10 years. Why? Because she entered the United States illegally!!!!!!! This law was passed by the Republican majority in 2007.
But the punishment affected all the family. Not just my wife. Our American born daughters and myself are being punishment. What is worse? No one really cares except those who are in the same situation.
In addition to the required paper work presented to the embassy consoler Eva took with her a copy of my DD-form 214 showing my 24 years of military service, all of my awards and decorations, a copy of the Veterans administration form showing my 70% disability status. She also presented a form 601, which is basically requesting special consideration in behave of myself and letting my wife come home. But our circumstances were not enough to grant my wife such.
Shortly after my wife and I left the embassy I called our newly elected Senator Wickers office for assistance and was told all they could do is review our paper work presented to the embassy. The liaison I was speaking to suggested it might be the thing for me to do; move to Mexico. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Move to a country were thousands of innocent people are murdered every year by the drug cartel. Where a law-abiding citizen does not have the right to bear arms to protect his family. Where many people live primitively compared to the United States. That's the thanks my country gives me for 24 years of service; move to another country.
I decided to present my case to head of the State Department in Washington D.C., Hillary Clinton. Homeland security and the embassy fall under the state department. The state department on 29 April of this year received the certified letter. It has been over 9 months and I have received no reply from them.
In a speech this year by President Obama in El Paso, Texas, the President stated it was not his wish for families like mine to be separated. It was the Republicans refusing to change the laws so families like mine could be together. If such is true please help me and other families by writing our congressman and senators to repeal such a law separating families.
I am still fighting to get my wife and daughters home. We have all endured both physical and mental hardships over the last 7 months.
I have lived in Mexico for 4 months in 2011 and learned what is like not to have such convinces as water. You either pay for a truck to deliver it or walk a mile or so to the river with 5 gal drums and carry it home to strain with a cloth. My wife washes clothes with a scrub board and washes the dishes in a foot tub outside. I could go on and on, but my point is I am a 7th plus generation American. I have grandparents who have fought in the American Revolution, the war of 1812, civil war, and uncles who fought in the Spanish American war, WWI, WWII, Korean and Vietnam war, not to mention my on service during desert storm and the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. I feel I should have the right to marry whom I choose and live with her legally in the United States. I earned that right.
If you care to assist me and other whose familys have been disrupted by the Government please write letter the your senators and congressman demanding this law to be reputed. Many thanks to those who do and let no man puts under.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. John D McCoy