LDS church is a Christian religion
Dear editor:
I read your Notebook in the Dec. 28 paper. You mentioned our church and said some good things that we believe.
But you did not say the full name of our church like so many people do. I would like you and your readers to know the full name of our church. It is the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. If people knew this there would be no doubt that we are Christians.
Jesus Christ himself restored the true church through the prophet Joseph Smith in 1830. People call us Mormons because of the wonderful Book of Mormon. It was written on gold plates beginning in 600 B.C. in the land we call the Holy Land.
The first prophet to write in them was named Lehi. He and his family left Jerusalem along with the family of Ishmael, who had many daughters, while Lehi had sons. They married and the families built a ship under the Lord's instructions and they came to what is now known as America.
The Book of Mormon is about them and their belief in God, who spoke to the living prophets. These records were sealed up and buried up in what now is New York.
The Lord raised up another prophet named Joseph Smith and told him about the plates and showed him how to translate them to English. I have read the Book of Mormon and I can testify that it is a second witness of Jesus Christ. It is about these two families who inter-married had children and had a church and a living prophet who spoke with God.
Many years later, after Jesus died and was made alive again, He appeared to the people here in America. He blessed the children and healed the sick just as He had done in the Holy Land. He called 12 apostles to preach to all the world. WE still have 12 apostles today in the true and living church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. It is the only church today that has the full and true gospel. The others do good for people and Jesus loves them and all people. Jesus loves all people.
But I urge all people to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. Then do as the Lord directs and seek out the missionaries of the church of JESUS CHRIST Latter-day Saints.
Barbara J. Larson
Editor's note: Actually, Barbara, I think you'll find I have great respect for almost all religions, as each provides a path toward a moral life, which is so important for a smooth and efficient functioning of society. I place no religion above or below any other.