'Dear Santa...'

Each year, with the help of the "elves" at the Mountain Home Fire Department, local children can drop off letters to Santa Claus at a special North Pole-only mailbox in front of the Mountain Home News (the final deadline is Thursday).
The elves, with Santa's permission, have allowed us to reprint some of the letters delivered to Santa (who held onto a few of them because he thought they were special). The letters offer a wonderful insight into the thoughts of children at Christmas, and the kinds of gifts kids want these days.
Included here are some of the additional letters that Santa pulled aside. With their last names left out (Santa knows who they are), here are some of the children's thoughts on Christmas, exactly as they wrote them:
My name is Tony, I am 6 years old. This year is going to be my first Christmas in idaho. We moved here from washington. I go to kindergarten and I love it. Because I get good grades all the time. my mom is very proud of me and I know you are too. These are the toys I would like to have. You can find them at the family Dollar store. They dont cost much there. I hope you can find them. Its okay if you dont. I wont get made because my mommy says that you have a lot of kids to give presents and you get tired. Marvel Super Hero, Transformers, Cars toys.
How are your reindeer? I hope you are feeding them. I would like you to send my dad some candy. He is far away. I miss him.
I might be to old to be writing letters to you but all I want for Christmas is a happy family, a good Christmas, and a IPad.
I've been good this year and all I want is a thundercats set that includes, Tygra, Liono, Cheetara, Panthro, Wily Kit, Wily Kat, Snarf, Cheetara's power staff, Pathros numbchucks, Tygra's bolo whip, the sword of omands, the claw shield, Wily Kit's lasso, Wily Kat's lasso, 2 space boards, and, if you can manage it, the thundertank and the cat's lair. And by the way pleae get mom Jacklman and Monkian. Please get Leo a catnip mouse. Please get Katherine some candy lego. Please get Aaron a bar of soap. Please get mathew a stuffed frog. Please get Autumn a very flexible Barbie. Please get Wendy some latex free hello kitty bandades. Please get Stephanie an angel statue. Pleae send Robert some donuts. Please get Carol a nice quilt.
My name is Kristian. I am 3 years old. I have been a not so good boy, my mommy says that you will still bring me toys, not a lot of them but thats okay because I'm only 3 years old and anything will make me happy. These are the toys I would like for Christmas. I chose them from the store the family Dollar. Because there they don't cost too much money. I'm going to be good, because my mommy told me you are watching me and it breaks your heart if I'm not a good boy. Spiderman toys, Marvel super hero, Hot Wheels toys.
I like you very much! I hope you like chocolate cookies and milk! I want 3 buss bees gum, 10 beyblaed, 9 Bakugan, DS and a DSI, and spy stuff and a ipod.
I wish a fantastic Merry Christmas. What I want for Christmas is a doll. And a jacket.
I wish you a Merry Christmas. And what I want for Christmas is a remote control car. And a DS.
I hope you have a great Christmas. What I want for Christmas is a remote control car. And a Xbox 360.
I really want a x-box 360 Kinect but not as much as a phone I really want the very cheap one in boise the verison store next to the Mall it is The cheapest on it is only $30.00 I really want it. I want it blue!
I will like for Christmas nit a stuf anmos horse a cat A brn wish horse a horse A horse.
My name is Carter. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: remote control shark, it looks fun. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: paints, pencils, candy canes. I promise to leave you some: cookies on Christmas Eve.
My name is Hudson. This year I have been quite good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: remote controlled fish, it looks really cool! If your elves are not too busy I would also like Lego's, candy. I promise to leave you some cookies & chocolate milk on Christmas Eve.
Is it cold at the North Pole? How does your crystal ball work? I want a toy lazor to play with my friend.
I have been good. I helped my mom. I would like a train set please.
Are your elves working hard? I have been good for mom. Please bring me a truck.
How is the weather at the north Pole? What are your elves doing? Would you please bring my mom a new car and I would like a train? I live in a new house. Please stop by.
Is Mrs. Claus busy? She makes good cookies. Please bring me a doll.
What are the elves up to? I love elves. I have been good. Please bring me a doll.
How are you? Singing Teddy Bear please!?
I am writing to you to say if you will bring me presents. My name is Victor. I want to see if you can get me a remote control Helicopter or cellphone and if you can bring me some clothes. I am 12 years old and my pants size is 30/32 or 16H and my shirt size 14/16.
I am writing to you to say if you will bring me presents. My name is Juan. I want to see if you will bring me a remote control police car and if you can bring me some clothes. I am 6 years old my clothes size 6.
I am just writing to tell you if you could bring me some toys for Christmas like a remote control airplane and some clothes. I am 11 years old. My pants size is 14 huskie. Shirt is small. Socks is 6.8.
I am writing to you to say if you will bring me presents. My name is Maria. I want to see if you will bring me a gogo puppy or a baby with a carriage and if you can bring me some clothes. I am 8 years old and my clothes size is 8.
I have been a very good boy this year. This year I am hoping for a black Nintendo Dsi xl w/car charger, a Dsi sd card (2GB), Dsi game raving rabbids2, Black dsi case, Lego mindstorms nxt 2-0, ab or c motor model rocket w/cargo compartment, a full HD240 Gb Hdd camcorder, an atomic alarm clock, a wireless wheather set, an Ipod touch, a dell alienware laptop with Windows 7 Ultimate software, a six speed bike, and a lego technic motorized excavator.
I have been a good boy this year in 2011. Here is my Christmas list. Could I please have: A new green garbage truck please. A new model a10 please. A model F15e strike eagle. A couple of new legos. Some new baseball cards and some suprises.
I have been a good girl this year. This is my Christmas list for 2011. Could I please have: some new barbies please. New braclets and necklases.
Hi my name is Crystal. Santa would you bring me a baby Alive, baby Carrige, some babies, baby stuff, shoes size 4.
Hi my name is Alexander. Santa Wild you ningas game for Nintendo DS Lite en 1 Pokemon Playstation 2. I have 6 years my shoes sise is #13, Shirts 6sise, pants 7bois.
Kids' snowpants, toothbrushes, camera.
What I want for Christmas is a Bike, crayon maker two lane battle jump Rale Wall, Hot whells Wall-track, Glow book, Rolling Art desk.
What I want for Christmas is bike, jewelry designer, Friendship Bracelets. Monster High Gloom Beach Doll, Xia tia Character.
I would like truly a monster high doll. If you wanted to know I'm Merlina, but of couse you know. And I've been a good girl this year. Oh, how old is roudalph?
Hi Im Joanna. Can I ask you for something special this year ... an Ipod! I've been really good this year because, I clean my room, I vacume my a rooms in my house, it get tirring. I've cleaned after my dog. I do the laundry, in summer I pull the hole neighbor hood's weeds, I help cook, I do the dishes, and collect wood for the fireplace, but I dont turn it on. So, I just did not want to bother you but, I think I disierve it. Oh, and I helped the fire man collect money so you can buy the kids the toys they want this year. I wanted to go with Shop with a cop, but I did not, so please make this dream come true! Please, please, please.
I would like to have a headband game that was in ICarly. If it too much to ask I want Candyland. Ive been good this year. And you know you love my homemade cookies! Probibly I'll give the fireman that gives the letter back a cookie for the help he gave to give this note to you!
I like you Santa! What do you thinc my sister would like? She is 10. My name is Izaak I want an RV car please.
May I please have a drum set, a Angry bird launch, some mighty beans, some pokemon cards, walky talky set, an air plane, a snow mobill that can drive on snow, paint and brushes, and playdoh and a phone and bouncy playdoh and a guitar.
My name is Chelsey. I have not been naughty, I have been nice! I have not one, but a couple questions for you! Would kind of cookies do you like? And for Christmas can you not only get me some presents but can you give us a swesome Christmas? I am also wondering if you can get me a VElocity Moro Cruz. I know I have an iPod touch but I was planning to give that to my mom and dad. Also, a spy-o-copter! Sorry for asking for so much but hey blame it on my mom! Have a wonderful Christmas!
P.S. on your reply can you sign your signature.
I Wood like a book a game and som soprisis Bot baow are you Doing.
I'm Robert. I'm 14 year, and have a brother younger than me he's 8 year old. We moved from Mexico back to Idho because my father was beating and verbaling abusing my mom. so I'm asking if you please fine it your heart and Christmas bag to give my brother Bryan a gift. I don't ask nothing for me cause I'm 14 years old and I know I'm too big... thank you and god bless you and keep you warm and safe.
I will give you two teddy bears. I want one teddy bear with pink bow on it. I want more clothes. Be careful.