Food for thought...
Dear editor:
Food for thought on a cold fall day:
Have you ever thought about what effect it would have if we quit trying to be the policeman of the world, spending untold billions of the precious taxpayers dollars to finance these ventures, plus the billions spent trying to buy friendship from the other foreign countries?
We could do a world of good with those dollars helping our own homeless, the hungry, and also our seniors who can't afford the drugs or housing they need.
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It's no wonder why there aren't enough jobs to go around anymore. Look at the hundreds of factories that shut down and moved their operations to another country where they could get cheaper labor, and then sell their product back to us at a cheaper price. What would happen if our government would put such a high tariff on these goods that were once manufactured in the USA, that those companies would have to move back so they could make a profit? It will never happen, but if it did, maybe there would be jobs once again for our unemployed.
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Have you ever noticed, that most printed material i.e, appliance manuals, or installation instructions, plus most legal documents that are supplied by our state and the U.S. government agencies, are written in English and also Spanish? I wonder what these other nationalities that have came to our country and not able to speak or read English, think about these documents not written in their language too? Maybe they feel discriminated against? Sure would take a bunch of paper to accommodate them I would think.
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Have you ever given it any thought, as to just what is the percentage of people that are drawing social security who never paid a dime into it ? I've read where there are some who are drug addicts who are given a check each month; because they are so stoned they can't hold a job. That just isn't right. Maybe I was given the wrong information in that regard, but I don't think so.
And of course, the government has dipped into the Social Security fund over the years, and now hasn't the funds to repay what it took.
Maybe if the government would pay up, then those of us who spent their lives working would see an increase in their checks. Entitlement?? That's BS.
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Have you given it any thought as to why it is when we have a disaster happen in our country, that you never read about other countries coming to our aid? Our country is normally one of the first to send money and people to help with aid when bad things happen in other countries.
It would knock me off my chair, if I were to read that we were offered help with our own disasters once in awhile.
Just food for thought....
-- Bob Huntley