School enrollment down... again

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Julian Williams doodles along with his sister, Kate, as he prepares for his first day of kindergarten in Anna Burningham's classroom at East Elementary School. Photo by Brian S. Orban

Continuing a trend that has been going on for more than a decade, enrollment in the Mountain Home School District declined again this year.

Registration during the first week of school last week showed the district had 110 fewer students than at the same time last year.

"It's just changing demographics," schools Supt. Tim McMurtrey said. Beginning with the loss of the composite wing on base at the turn of the century, enrollment has been slowly diminishing.

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  • If you two have so many issues with the school board why don't you run for a posistion?

    -- Posted by luvmthome on Wed, Aug 24, 2011, at 2:30 PM
  • *

    Attendance is down because people have become wiser to the snake oil salesmenship of the current board. I moved one of my children over to RMHS and plan to do the same with the other. Reason, they are learning absolutely nothing in the public schools, after quizing them nightly last year. The one who was enrolled into RMHS has gained more knowledge in one class year there than in three class years in the JH/HS. You want to send a message to this debunked board, transfer your children to RMHS, you will not be disappointend.

    -- Posted by scoutin on Wed, Aug 24, 2011, at 4:21 PM
  • Werborg,

    Whos offended, simply asked a question. What posistion are you in that will not allow you to run for an elected posistion?


    Please do tell, I'm curious to hear what you think my party affiliation is

    -- Posted by luvmthome on Wed, Aug 24, 2011, at 5:24 PM
  • Enrollment being down is only beneficial for the budget if the district can maintain its revenue.

    Even before the freshmen were added to the high school all sectors of the district were facing over crowding problems. There are plenty of structural problems that the district can not afford to fix and this decrease could open up those funds. That won't happen if the current levels are dropped by the tax payers- it's common sense. They could barely operate under the budget last year.

    Scoutin', the education at MHHS is superb IF your students take good classes and not just the bare minimum. I have a diploma that represents the very hard work I did. Many of my graduating classmates had sophomore status going into college. I received a 28 on my ACT and that earned me a scholarship to a Big 12 school. MHHS education is what you make of it- take the AP classes, get involved on campus, those are what separate the "educated" from the "uneducated"- not whether the diploma was from RMHS or MHHS.

    -- Posted by lilmissmelmo on Wed, Aug 24, 2011, at 6:55 PM
  • *

    GREED is the problem the school district will lie to get more money. They will use it towards pay, and travel and not the children, while using the children as pawns.

    We have a few at the top making about qtr million. How about they take a pay cut as Mountain Home isn't as expensive as California to live. Of course only if they believe it is for the children.

    -- Posted by Trouble2011 on Wed, Aug 24, 2011, at 10:17 PM
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