Youth Center seeks partnership with WECRD

Thursday, August 4, 2011

With the city's youth center expected to lose its funding in the coming fiscal year, the organization hopes to pursue a partnership with the Western Elmore County Recreation District.

A request submitted by Mountain Home Parents and Youth United organization, which runs the center, seeks roughly $9,800 in grant money that would cover its employee salaries, insurance and phone expenses for the upcoming fiscal year.

The youth center was one of more than 80 city programs and departments hit hardest by a $63,000 tax revenue shortfall triggered, in part, by the city's real estate market crash.

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    I wish this group lots of luck with the request. The current WECRD board has only one thought in mind and that is to build a Taj Mahal,, errr I mean a recreation center. If they support the Youth Center, you know a place where the kids can spend time and stay out of trouble, then there will be less money for their goal.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Thu, Aug 4, 2011, at 5:57 AM
  • The youth center seems to be a more viable and important avenue in which to use the money toward....not this ridiculous YMCA!

    -- Posted by bloodyknuckles on Thu, Aug 4, 2011, at 11:27 AM
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    You say a youth center; we should just throw all the people without children under the bus then. It has not just been homes with children that have been paying this ridiculous tax but people without children. A youth center only benefits the families with children.

    As for giving a place for children to spend time. I didn't grow up with a nice building just for me to spend my time and hang out. I was busy working or doing chores. My parents made sure I had things to do, things to keep me busy, if I didn't entertain myself or find something for me to do then they had no trouble finding something for me.

    Let us build something to entertain the children of parents that are not acting like parents, this would be more to the point. With all the electronic games, social media, and communications today how could anyone be board, no people just don't want to be responsible for their children. When they can send them to school then to the youth center.

    -- Posted by Trouble2011 on Thu, Aug 4, 2011, at 12:53 PM
  • The article is not even factual. Brian Orban states the numbers in the article and represents that they are all youth visits/youth patrons. Well, NOT true. The "youth center" is "home" to other organizations as well that have been stated to be non-profit but there are some questions with respect to that as well. So, in short. The City of Mountain Home has been funding a "youth center" that is home to other things not just a youth center---TRUE STORY. The city did not even know about this.

    I am pretty sure the WECRD Board is dumb enough to support this deal as they research nothing.

    How about recreation for ALL in this community as opposed to the few. This District is to fund recreation for ALL---not a select group/groups. That is what we like to call discrimination in the legal world or taxation without proper/adequate representation. Sure glad the city now backs these yahoos and has joined the ranks with such a fine bunch of civic minded folks.

    Anybody involved with this bother to read the law? Oh wait! Why bother with that? Nobody will enforce it. What a joke.

    Brian, you need to be a bit more detail oriented and fact based with what you put in the paper. You missed the boat on this one dude and left out the facts. Same old-same old.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Fri, Aug 5, 2011, at 11:04 AM
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