Idaho gas prices all over the board

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Holiday fireworks light up at some, but not all, gas pumps in the Gem State

Theoretically, gas is gas, but for now― at least― where you live in the Gem State may have more to do with what you pay at the pump, according to AAA Idaho.

Based on a spot check of average fuel prices in seven Idaho communities today, the difference between the lowest and highest prices is just two cents short of 50 cents a gallon, according to AAA Idaho.

"If you're fortunate enough to live in Pocatello, you'll pay an average of just $3.39 a gallon, but just 170 miles away in Ketchum you'll pay $3.87," said AAA Idaho spokesman Dave Carlson.

It's not at all unusual to see regional price fluctuations, Carlson says, depending on whether you live in or near a resort town, whether there's geographic isolation from wholesale suppliers, or whether there's little or intense competition at the retail level.

"But these prices are all over the board and the range seems uncharacteristically large," Carlson said.

AAA projects about a million fewer Americans will travel during this year's July 4 holiday compared to a year ago, in part because this year's higher gas prices are reducing disposable income, particularly among lower income households.

Altogether, AAA says 39 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home during the holiday weekend. About 33 million of that total will still drive, representing five of every six travelers. But among those who plan to travel, about 46 percent say higher fuel prices will impact their plans. To cope, some will economize in other areas or they will take a shorter trip.

Today's U.S. average price of $3.54 a gallon is 78 cents higher than a year ago. Idaho's statewide average price of $3.64 is 74 cents higher than a year ago.

For the better part of last year, Idaho's average pump price outpaced the national average by 15 cents or more a gallon. Then during the first week in December, the U.S. average price ramped up enough to surpass the Idaho average, a position it failed to relinquish until the second week in June.

Since May 5, the national average price has dropped 44 cents, compared to just 13 cents in Idaho.

Here's a look at average gasoline prices today for selected Idaho cities, based on AAA's Fuel Price Finder at www.AAA.comPocatello, Today, $3.39; Week ago, $3.45; Month ago, $3.52; Year ago, $2.74

Idaho Falls, Today, $3.49; Week ago, $3.55; Month ago, 3.54; Year ago, $2.70

Coeur d'Alene, Today, $3.61; Week ago, $3.63; Month ago, $3.75; Year ago, $2.85

Twin Falls, Today, $3.65; Week ago, $3.67; Month ago, 3.73; Year ago, $2.92

Boise, Today, $3.69; Week ago, $3.71; Month ago, $3.78; Year ago, $2.94

Lewiston, Today, 3.73; Week ago, $3.75; Month ago, $3.79; Year ago, $2.88

Ketchum, Today, $3.87; Week ago, $3.93; Month ago, $3.95; Year ago, $3.10

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  • Looks like the same old crap to me, Greed still controls the gas prices, whatever they can screw the public out of. The pres released some of the oil reserves, now they get our oil free and still gouge the hell out of us so the public loses twice

    -- Posted by efphgmrcamdm on Thu, Jun 30, 2011, at 12:59 PM
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