Dedicated to keeping the city clean

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Photo by Brian S. Orban

John Garner and Judy Walton from the High Desert Travelers chapter with the local Good Sam camping club watch as Mayor Tom Rist signs a proclamation declaring Saturday, May 21, as "Good Sam Cleanup Day" in Mountain Home.

Representatives with the Good Sam group encourage people here to pick up at least one piece of trash and properly dispose of it during the day as part of this year's observance. In addition, the High Desert Travelers will clean up additional trash along the city's walking trail on the north side of town.

The group meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at AJ's Restaurant and invites others to join their group.

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  • We need buisines owners to chip in also. the alley between main street and 2nd street are a royal eye sore,the automotive shops on that block are a house keeping night mare,also improperly stored used automotive fluids in 55 gallon drums in the alley is dangerous to the public and the enviroment. The city leaders turn a blind eye to these dangers regaurding buisineses but lord save you if you have weeds on your side walk,Maybe for once the EPA could coax city leaders to take a stand to enforce these issues. Buisiness owners it is up to you to stand up clean up and be a part of this town rather than a eye sore. remember if your forced to clean it up the fines allone could put you out of buisiness.

    -- Posted by working stiff on Thu, May 19, 2011, at 1:49 PM
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