Levy fails; Checketts, Reynolds elected to school board

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The plant facilities levy for the Mountain Home School District went down to defeat Tuesday night as an unexpectedly strong turnout of just over 1,300 voters cast ballots in the Taxing District Election.

The school district had sought a five-year authorization of $950,000 annually to help maintain its buildings with the plant facilities levy, which had failed only once before since voters first approved the appropriation in the 1950s.

The measure needed 55 percent approval to pass, but only received 50.4 percent of the vote, with 627 yes votes and 604 no votes in the initial unofficial tally Tuesday night.

For the Zone 1 trustee postion on the Mountain Home school board, incumbent Toni Reynolds turned back a challenge from Art Nelson by a 160-103 margin.

In the open Zone 3 trustee position, Rick Checketts defeated Gary Oyler 64-55 to win election to that post.

Voters also elected George L. "Larry" Hall Jr. to the District 3 Mountain Home Highway District commissioner position. Hall defeated Jack McCoy 590-533.

In the Prairie School District, Bill Zumstein won election to the Zone 3 trustee position, defeating Amanda Drake 17-9. Write-in candidate Michael Davidson received 0 votes.

All election results are unofficial until the official canvass of the ballots, which is expected to occur on May 23.

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  • Ok Huge Question,

    Husband votes at 2:30 pm...I had to wait to vote until I was off work....7:30pm. He got to vote for school board members. I was told I was not in the same district as my husband. WTH we have been in the same house for 11 years.

    -- Posted by Momof 2graduates on Tue, May 17, 2011, at 11:17 PM
  • Congratulations to Mr. Checketts! He brings personal knowledge to the position that pre-dates the "master contract" days. Only he and Mr. Alexander have first hand knowledge of the kinds of decisions, actions, and situations that led to a teacher strike and board member recall back in the late 80's. I pray they remain vigilant against slipping back to the old way things were done and have the foresight to foster a sense teamwork between the board, administration, staff, patrons, and parents because it will take us all to overcome the challenges ahead.

    -- Posted by lee621 on Wed, May 18, 2011, at 6:34 AM
  • Alexander should have been the last one allowed to stay. He is a very large part of the problem. While one new Board Member is on, it will do not good unless some of these folks wise up. We need to go beyond the "lip service" the paper printed regarding "change." It sounds good but do any of you have the guts to execute your plans. My guess is the new guy will be beat down by those who have been seated and it will be same old same old. Ever been to a MHSD Board meeting where all who voted did not agree or had any sort of "debate" before a vote? Few and far between. That is where change starts.

    Good luck to Mr. Checketts and thank you for doing it. This is a good place for change to begin----it is badly needed. Good luck sir.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Wed, May 18, 2011, at 7:19 AM
  • It would be nice to know how many of the 1231 voters are property owners, and especially the 604 who voted for this latest ripoff. Thank You to the other 626 who voted NO.

    -- Posted by Mr.427539 on Wed, May 18, 2011, at 11:21 AM
  • -- Posted by CuriousParents on Wed, May 18, 2011, at 12:42 PM
  • -- Posted by CuriousParents on Wed, May 18, 2011, at 12:45 PM
  • Congrats, Rick, I know you will do a great job. and to Momof2graduates,,,How big is your house? Maybe one half is in 1 disctict and the other half in another. Kinda strange. I thought we settled this voting district thing last time. Hope you have a lucky coin Mr. Checketts.

    -- Posted by R&M on Wed, May 18, 2011, at 2:36 PM
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