TSA should be able to profile
Dear editor:
Many supporters of TSA's one-size-fits-all "security" policy dismiss those who object, calling them "Constitutionalists" as if that is a dirty word. They argue that the alternative, "profiling," is a sin.
Yes, countless hypothetical scenarios are "possible" and yes, I do remember Timothy McVeigh. But seriously, it is the 20-something-year-old Middle Eastern male that warrants higher scrutiny.
We all know this to be true, but the influence of political correctness arrests our reasoning capability and we submit to soft tyranny.
Put profiling in context. During WWII many Germans, Italians and Japanese in America were interned. While not fun being on the receiving end, it did not even rise to the horrors of Abu Ghraib as CNN portrays.
Granted, it could have been done more responsibly, but given the circumstances, it was reasonable nonetheless.
In contrast, today Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder stand vigilant guarding the feelings of the enemy. Remember President Barack Hussein Obama cautioning us not to rush to judgment over the Fort Hood murderer?
Instead of interning those running Al Qaeda training camps and radical mosques located in the USA, this trio surrounds us sheepeople with virtual barbed wire and leaves our borders open. This is not leadership.
Meanwhile, daily our Constitutional rights are violated. Under the banner of "public safety" our wives and children are sexually assaulted at the airport, literally at the hands of our backward government.
Doug Traubel