Removing exemptions would raise extra taxes Idaho needs
Dear editor:
As a former state senate candidate against Sen. Corder last November, I have heard and seen the discussion that Supt. Luna's Education has caused.
As I have said in my campaign that with this one-party government that's been in power for so long, a decade or more, they feel that they can do whatever they want.
From what I have read of Supt. Luna's plan, he wants to fire all the teachers, dissolve the union, eliminate the collective bargaining process and teach our children and grandchildren in the virtual world with only enough teachers to accomplish this plan.
I also feel that the current governing legislatures do not fully represent the people. I believe that they are converts of special interest, who I believe really run our state government, as shown that-out-of state on-line teaching companies assisted with Supt. Luna's campaign.
Now I read this morning in an online article Sen. Corder agrees with Supt. Luna and will vote for his plan.
My proposal to help support education was to eliminate some of the $1.84 billion, in 2011 dollars, in tax exemptions that were enacted in the mid '60s.
According to the Twin Falls Times News, Sept. 19, 2010, issue, eliminating "Production of Equipment" would save (in 2011 dollars) $97.8 million. Eliminating the "Production of Supplies" would save (in 2011 dollars) $15 million. Eliminating the "Interstate Trucks" exemption would save (in 2011 dollars) $6.3 million.
All of these and some of the others would NOT raise anyone's taxes, just the taxes of those these will affect.
There are many other exceptions that can be looked at, but will they? I am sure when these exceptions were done in the mid '60s they were economically needed. Now, they are not, in my opinion.
I also believe that whoever is a candidate for office on the Republican ticket has a chance of winning, at least in District 22. I hope the people will remember that they voted for both of these candidates and now have to put up their decision for at least two more years and four more years.
Anyway, I'd like to take opportunity to thank all those people who voted for me and I hope this letter will published.
Henry Hibbert