Commissioners were wise to stall on nuke plant plan
Dear editor:
The founders of the United States were some of the most profound thinks in world history. Their legacy lives on in the form of a representative, democratic government that, through a three-tier set of checks and balances, is designed to slowly grind out decisions for the good of all. This constitutional democracy has stood the test of time for well over two centuries and will serve our nation for centuries to come.
In light of recent revelations surrounding Mr. Gillespie and his financial nuclear fiasco, I strongly believe it is time to commend our acting county commissioners for using their slow and sure democratic process, and not flinging open the county doors and letting the nuke plant in on a bunch of pie-in-the-sky promises.
To many of us, the thoughts of a nuke plant, and its impossible-to-dispose-of deadly refuse, was hideous enough, when clean wind and solar power are making inroads and providing good-paying jobs throughout the West.
There is plenty of decent clean industry being innovated daily and Elmore County needs to reach out, explore and bring it in.
Once again, thanks to our acting commissioners for their careful process and I hope our new, incoming commissioners take note and practice the same wisdom.
-- Warren McWilliams, King Hill