Helping the Giving Tree 'grow'...
Standing in the front row, representatives with the Mountain Home Latter-day Saints Quilting Group join Lauri Erickson from the chamber of commerce and Randy Mendiola with Idaho Power to display quilts the group donated to the local Giving Tree relief agency.
During the Dec. 15 event, the LDS group handed over 32 "cuddle quilts," which will benefit local families and senior citizens facing severe financial hardships this holiday season.
This year, the Giving Tree collected contributions of money and assorted gifts to benefit 537 individuals in the local community, including children, disabled senior citizens and adults, said Erickson, who chairs the program. Members of the quilting group at last week's presentation included Glenda Breslin, Marianne Baker, Meredith Cram, Penny Miller, Karla Kellogg and Sandra Bacon. Photo by Brian S. Orban