Time for 10th Amendment to become valid again
Dear editor:
This is where the buck stops!
Why are we the bad guys? Do you think for one minute that Mexico would tolerate Arizonians, or Texans, or Canadians to enter its borders illegally? I don't think so. How about Russia, or China, or Japan, Africa or any other country on the planet, do you think they would tolerate illegal aliens, or rapists, or drug lords to enter their countries? I think not!
Read the Tenth Amendment in our Constitution, since the "feds" seem unwilling to do anything. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states., are reserved to the states respectively, or TO THE PEOPLE." Looks like we need to take care of ourselves since the puppets in the White House don't read bills or apparently the Constitution.
I'm tired of the retrogrades of civilization bad mouthin' my country. I'm tired of phony cults (Islam), and religions, cowardly blowing up their own people. America! Love it, or leave it!
-- James Loris