Courts gun ruling should have been 9-0
Dear editor:
Come on now, Kelly. I'd never run around with nuclear missiles. For one thing, I don't have a suitable trailer hitch for the truck!
No, "Mike" is not the LEAST bit ecstatic on a 5-4 decision. Any Supreme Court decision on a Constitutional issue should be 9-0. They all take the same oath you and I did in the service. To "protect and defend," not to legislate from the bench. I thought that decision was a travesty, and the four who voted against it should be impeached off of that bench.
Being able to protect yourself and your family is as much of a right as free speech. And basic human rights are God-given, not government-granted. And IN that sacred oath are the words, "against all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC." There's a reason our founders, who had just fought out from under tyranny, put those words in that oath."
Yes, we know how "militia" was intended through the description coined by several of our founders themselves. "The militia shall consist of all able bodied men over the age of 17 years, who are capable of bearing arms during chaotic times."
--James Mason, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and others.
There is no such thing as a "United States Militia." It is NOT the National Guard. It is the "Minutemen." It is you and I.
Gangs and handguns. We had some of that in the old west, too. Marshals like Hickok and Earp shot them down and weren't SUED for protecting the citizens. Taking guns from good people will never protect them from the bad ones, or from a rogue government that gets too powerful.
Do you need an AK-47 to hunt deer with? No. Would I turn mine in? No. Why? Unless I turn to a life of crime, it's nobody's business what I own, and nowhere in the 2nd Amendment does it say "with the exception of." And as for their "interpretation" of it, what part of "shall NOT be infringed" don't they understand?
Secondly, it wouldn't stop there, which is why most gun owners and the NRA are adamantly opposed to this "reasonable gun control." Today your AR-15, tomorrow your 22.
"Reasonable" to the liberal legislators means TOTAL confiscation, and Queen Lib Dianne Feinstein said it best: "If it were up to me, I would tell Mr. and Mrs. American, turn them ALL in." Little "Chuckie" Schumer is right there along with most of the other trained seals back there in that party.
Our Constitution may have been created in a "pre-industrial world", but there were factions still trying to take things over and run our lives, just like today. Even more dangerous in today's society though, is that not only are there still bad guys out there, but now we have this weak-kneed judicial system that makes deals instead of gallows. We used to hang murderers, not support them with tax dollars through 18 years of appeals.
Several decades ago, we executed the Rosenbergs for spying. Today, we grant Miranda rights to people who cause things like 9/11. We once hung horse thieves, but grand theft auto today is worth little more than "community service."
The hoods today have more rights than we do. And they know it. When the common criminal has lost his fear of the law there is no deterrent.
And so, today, when legislators tell honest gun owning citizens that they have to "register, photograph, fingerprint and turn-in certain weapons for the safety of society, sign for TWENTY TWO ammo (in some states already), more and more citizens are now telling the "establishment' where to put it.
If I had a decent neighbor who owned a belt-fed machine gun, I wouldn't be NEARLY as concerned as I would with some punk three doors down with a switchblade knife and a record as long as your arm. That's the guy who's gonna be the problem.
The speed limit on 1-84 is 75 mph. So, why do you need a Corvette? Same thing. It all still comes down to individual freedom and responsibility, and OUR freedom wasn't won with a registered gun.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. When they talk about more laws, the picture I see is the one you've seen as a joumalist, my good friend. The one of that protesting young student in Tiananmen Square with a brick in his hand, in front of those Soviet-built tanks.
A brick. Because that's all he was allowed to have.
In 2010, we have a government trying to take over everything it can, and a southern invasion that it refuses to stop, yet is willing to sue its own people instead.
You know me, Kelly. I won't disappoint you on this one. From my cold dead fingers, ol' buddy. From my cold dead fingers.
And Limbaugh is still a liberal.
Mike Bradbury