Crazee Daze canceled but carnival remains

Thursday, May 13, 2010

There will be no Crazee Daze this year.

Instead, the Chamber of Commerce will simply sponsor a carnival in Railroad Park May 20-23.

After being an institution in the community for decades, Crazee Daze fell victim to a lack of Chamber volunteers to run the project, which historically had involved sidewalk sales and vendor booths set up in the downtown core area, as well as entertainment and games.

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  • As to Lisa Harvel's comments in this article,"WE",,,, ALL FALSE!!! Lisa is there a turd in your pocket, when you said "WE" decided not to let a Chamber member do crazy days? From what I heard, YOU made that decision all by your self, because you were the "President," you thought that you had that power to make that decision for the Board! You didn't bring it up at any Chamber Board meeting, or even tell the board there was a Chamber Member that wanted to take on crazy days. You needed to let the chamber board decide if that person, or persons were qualified. How do you know that person is not qualified? Must be from all the years you ran Crazy Days. I know with any function there are going to be hick-ups and set backs. Ask Jessi, she did it last year for the first time, and she had no formal training on Crazy Days. Last years president let Jessi do it, but she asked the board for their thoughts first, and they ALL came to a decision together. I guess the difference between Linda Ketterling and you Lisa. Linda ran the board like a Democracy and you try to run it like a Dictator! From what I am told, you are very lucky to have alot of strong, and energetic people on the Board. With all the great people on that board, you should never make a decision without the approval of the Board, that may effect the Chamber, Chamber Members, and especially your Board of Directors in a negative light! All I hear these day's about Crazy Days, is how the Chamber Dropped the ball! If I was a Board member, I would be very upset that the president is taking the power out of the Boards hands when it come to making decisions. I hope you do the right thing, and lead with a little more open mindedness. I do think you need to clarify for the readers, chamber members, and the Chamber Board,,, who "WE,"in the article is, to "YOUR" decision of not doing crazy days!

    -- Posted by saltwater on Sat, May 15, 2010, at 12:53 AM
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