Corder has not voted in interest of the people
Dear editor:
Mr. Wilson's letter in last week's paper was quite enlightening. Mostly it justified Mr. Corder's love of taxes.
He is accusatory of Marla Lawson wanting to do away with state income taxes. As an Idahoan I would support that 100 percent. There are other states that do it, why can't Idaho? A point of interest -- Mr. Wilson is the husband of the Chairman of the Boise County Democratic Central Committee. Why wouldn't he support his own candidate, Mr. Hibbert, instead of Mr. Corder, a Republican? I guess that shows people where Mr. Corder stands.
I think its obvious who wrote this letter. I doubt Mr. Wilson did.
Mr. Wilson also attacked Marla's ability to manage. As all of you know, managing a small business takes the same amount of energy as managing a large business. Why Mr. Wilson wants to attack that personal aspect of Fred and Marla's life I don't know. If we could get government out of our business lives, managing them would be a lot easier. Marla would do just that. Mr. Corder wants more government control.
I have never heard or been told that Marla Lawson wants kindergarten to be voluntary. She is 100 percent for better education at all levels, the sooner it starts the better. She is for Head Start and kindergarten, which are both very valuable programs.
Let's talk a bit about voting records.
Mr. Corder has never seen a tax he didn't like. As Mr. Wilson pointed out, he voted for a 6 cents a gallon increase in gas taxes along with the Democrats (House Bill H0096A). He voted No to merit pay for teachers (Senate Bill S1436). He voted no to English as the official language for Idaho (Senate Bill S1172). He voted no to requiring verification of legal status to receive public benefits (Senate Bill S1157).
These are just some of Mr. Corder's misguided votes. I disagree with Mr. Corder on all these votes. I am sure a majority of Idahoans do as well.
A final note. Mr. Corder is anti-gun, and anti-2nd Amendment. He has a "D" rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA). This is up from an "F" he started with. I am sure this does not reflect what most Idahoans believe. We are strong 2nd Amendment believers, as is Marla Lawson. She will receive an "A+" from the NRA.
I urge everyone to take a real clear look at Mr. Corder and his voting record. Do they reflect what we believe? I think not. I think we have only one choice in the election, Marta Lawson for District #22 senator.
Roger Hesler