Submit your questions about the school levy

The upcoming temporary supplemental levy for the school district is a complicated issue.
By state law, the authorization would be for two years, Each year's authorization would be $2.8 million and the district expects to use all of the first year's authorization, plus make more than $1 million in additional cuts. But, if the legislature restores funding, district officials say they would not levy that full amount the second year, only what would be needed, if any.
The levy requires a 50 percent majority vote, not the two-thirds majority vote required for a bond issue.
The amount it would cost homeowners can be found on the levy calculator on the district's website at
To help the public understand the issue, The Mountain Home News is asking that people submit questions here that they have about the levy, and we will then take those questions to the district to have them answered in stories leading up to the levy vote on May 27.
Just use the "comments" section of this story to submit your questions.