Complainers keeping us from getting a pool
Dear editor:
I have been quite disturbed about what started out as a community project -- both for the young ones and those of us who are not so young and need hydrotherapy to help keep our bodies in shape.
The military retirement ceremony had taken place and the Conax containers were all packed and loaded for shipment. For what would become the beginning of the last chapter of our new and final assignment; we had four boys, two dogs, a rented U-Haul pulled behind our car with basic necessities, and away we went. Leaving Fort Knox for a new destination west of the Mississippi river and into the Rocky Mountains. We travelled once to Colorado and so this adventure was wonderful and found Mountain Home on accident and never left. That was 40 years ago in September that we have called Mountain Home our home.
Our children fit right in, enjoying the outdoors with bird hunting, fishing and later the deer hunting seasons. From Bruneau Canyon to Featherville and Fall Creek they always felt at home, from high school to skiing for the younger ones. Due to things that were always changing, I did cleaning of businesses. I would work in the fall storing potatoes in the cellars that are in and around Mounatin Home, Hammett and Little Valley. Dan took a job delivering Olympia beer. He began having cancers and Dr. Weiss at the base hospital was taking cancers off his hands, arms. My health started to fail also, although the kids' health was great.
After my quadruple bypass surgery without rehabilitation, I was allowed to go to the MHAFB pool to walk in the water six days per week. Then the rules changed at the MHAFB pool and I was no longer able to do that.
So at the prospects of getting a swimming pool in the community center was a godsend for me, yet it is ten years now and look what has happened to our original plan.
There are some of us who will never benefit due to the constant arguments in this community.
Mary V. Broome