Lawson just not suitable
Dear editor:
Who is Marla Lawson? Everyone has an opinion on who she actually is, or who she claims to be.
Marla and her husband, Fred Lawson, are residents of Lowman, Idaho. Marla is running for senate seat for District 22 on the Republican ticket.
Myself, I do not care if she is a Republican or a Democrat. What matters is who the person is that will be making decisions for our district?
I truly believe that Marla Lawson is not the person to represent District 22. Marla is uneducated. She has proven that speaking throughout the district while campaigning. She is immature, proven by her temper tantrums she throws in her place of business in front of customers. May I suggest reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People." She may find that beneficial.
Marla is reckless and irresponsible. Both Freddy and Marla proved that when a cow elk was shot at close range with rubber bullets, she was wounded in her left hindquarter. It is legal to shoot animals with rubber bullets that are being a nuisance. However, used properly it will not harm the animal. Used improperly at close range it will put a hole in the animal.
Fred and Marla have proved countless times how inconsiderate they are concerning other residents property by trespassing, shooting a firearm across other residents' property, demonstrating their above-the-law attitude. Actions speak louder then words.
Everywhere they have lived in Lowman, they have been unable to get along with their neighbors.
I question Marla's mental stability. How many times does a person file for divorce against the same person? Marla and Freddy have filed three different times that I know of. Twice in Ada County and once in Boise County. There could be more but I did not care enough to continue the search. Three times was odd enough for me.
In reference to the article in the Idaho World, 3/10/2010, the article appeared to be a one-on-one interview with Marla. After speaking to the reporter who wrote the story, I was informed that was not the case. The reporter actually gave Marla the written questions that Marla took home and later e-mailed her answers back to the reporter. I did not think Marla could answer those questions so well off the cuff. Once again, with Marla it is not as it appears. The reporter was very honest and straightforward that it was not an actual one-on-one interview. I thank the reporter for her honesty.
Marla and Fred Lawson have proved repeatedly their dishonesty and lack of integrity. They have proved their total disregard for the officers of the law and for our laws of the land. This is proven in their criminal court case files. It appears they are two peas in a pod.
The following is Fred and Marla's criminal history:
Marla S. Lawson A.K.A. Marla Sue Miller
CR1994-0000403 Wildlife Possession, transport, shipment of Wildlife violation, game tag/possession wrong class/type license tag permit, hunt fish, trap false statement on application.
Loss of hunting privileges for 4 years, 2 years probation, fines
CR2001-0000731 Theft petit, Resisting and obstructing officers.
Fred H. Lawson
CR1993-0000338- Battery
1-year probation
CR-1995-0000072 Witness prevent/intimidate from testifying
Fines, 10 days in jail, 2 years probation.
To check out charges criminal and civil, go to www.idcourts/repository/
Why do people with such disregard for the laws of our land seek a position of political office? One would think it is to place themselves into a position of authority for their own personal gain.
Remember this when voting in the primary May 25, 2010.
This article was compiled through my research.
Paula Barnard, Lowman