Thank you to all those who helped with my eagle project
Dear People of Mountain Home
On Wednesday March 3rd between 7:00 pm and 8:30 pm some of you may have had a group of youth knock on your door asking for a monetary donation for a service project, I would like to thank those who donated. The service project was my eagle project, I needed to raise funds for a humanitarian project I was doing. The project was to assemble hygiene aid kits to help those who are in need. Each kit contains: 2 combs, 4 toothbrushes, 1 tube of toothpaste, 2 bars of soap, and 2 hand towels these items where then placed inside a one gallon plastic bag. Over 89% of the cost was covered that night, since then I have been able to cover the remainder of the cost. The assembly of the kits went very well we where able to assemble 100 kits in a short amount of time. The aid kits have recently be delivered to a distribution center where they will likely go to places like Haiti or Chile or other parts of the world that need relief. I am very grateful to all of those who donated money or time, and to the LDS youth of mountain home 4th ward and there leaders who helped collect donations and assemble the kits.
Thank you
John Cook