What's going on behind closed doors?
Dear editor:
The more I read the letters, the more I talk to people, the more I hear, the more I wonder what is really going on behind closed doors.
Who has who in their pockets? Who is having a "It's my way or else" crisis? Who bucked the "Good Ole Boy System" and is now paying for it? How did this person get this job or that job when there were other people more qualified and never got a chance to even apply for it because it was never posted because someone's sister's cousin's friend's boyfriend/girlfriend knew someone who wanted that job and got it just because?
Seems to me this whole thing with the doctors' non-renewal of contracts has opened a real can of worms and now Dr. Baldridge and Dr. Jeffrey are caught in the middle of something that has been brewing for a long time.
Maybe they cared more for their patients and got tired of playing somebody's little game. Maybe there ought to be a good house cleaning done in a lot of people's closets and MAYBE we residents of Elmore County need to open our eyes to what has happened in the past and is happening now and see if that is the way we want to go in the future.
I really hope we don't lose two good doctors now and maybe more good people in the future because we are a town and county that will just sit back and say "It's not my problem."
We need good people doing good jobs to keep Elmore County strong.
Lila Appleton