Roz Langworthy
Following a brief illness, Rosalynde (Roz) Pierce Langworthy passed away on Jan. 13, 2010, in St. Petersburg, Fla., at age 91.
Born in Maine, she lived in places ranging from Okinawa to the Bahamas and made friends wherever she landed, as part of an extended Air Force family.
After a long career as dental hygienist and homemaker, Roz and her husband, Chet, retired to and lived in Glenns Ferry and then Mountain Home for ten years. Roz moved to Florida in 1998, following Chetıs death, to be closer to her family.
She cherished the time spent and friends she made in Idaho, never forgot them, and held them close to her heart.
Rozıs was a life of work, service, and family. ³Retirement² was a misnomer for Roz as it simply freed her up to take on more activities.
While in Glenns Ferry, she was active with the VFW, served on the library board, played a major role in the creation of the Glenns Ferry Museum, was an active supporter of candidates she helped found the Republican Party in Mississippi in her spare time decades ago seeking political office or re-election, and volunteered countless hours helping others in need, including her work with Meals on Wheels.
Roz is survived by her three sons, Dwight, Jon and Jack, a daughter, Anne, countless grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, among others. But in a very real sense, Roz considered almost everyone to be family and treated them as such.
In lieu of flowers, Roz requested that donations be made to Glenns Ferry Museum, which was a continuing passion of hers.
In addition, a memorial is being held for her on Saturday, Feb. 6, at 1 p.m. at the Glenns Ferry VFW Post, located at 132 E. 5th St., Glenns Ferry, ID 83623.