Elmore County Sheriff's Office, Activity Report for Dec. 23, 2009 - Jan 5, 2010
December 23
00:02 911 Hang-up, MH
00:26 Assist
01:46 Alarm Law, MH
04:45 DUI, MH
06:00 Motorist Assist
07:12 Vehicle Stop, Am Legion
08:43 Abandoned Vehicle, MH
09:30 Assist, MH
11:57 I-84 WB MM103
13:19 Traffic, I-84 WB MM115
13:52 Vehicle Stop, Glenns Ferry
14:59 Vehicle Stop, AB Rd MM4
15:03 Motorist Assist
15:17 Collision Hit & Run, Hwy 20
15:19 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 MM1
15:20 K9
15:27 Welfare
15:29 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 MM4
17:01 Motorist Assist, wy 67
18:23 Animal, King Hill
18:53 Vehicle Stop, Am Legion
18:53 Vehicle Fire, I-84 MM93
19:01 Vehicle Stop, Glenns Ferry
20:03 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30
20:16 Vehicle Stop, MH
22:46 Suspicious, I-84 WB Mm123
23:46 Prowler
December 24
01:43 Extra
03:49 Assist, Hwy 20
05:29 Vehicle Stop, Simco Rd MM19
08:25 Suspicious, Glenns Ferry
09:36 VIN Inspection
10:48 Collision Unknown, Exit 90
11:00 Collision Property Damage
11:10 Motorist Assist, Pine/Featherville
12:06 Slide Off, Pine/Featherville
12:12 Civil, MH
12:57 Animal, King Hill
13:13 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM133
13:23 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM133.5
13:33 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM134
13:49 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM131
13:52 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 MM4
13:58 Vehicle Stop, Am Leg
14:08 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 Mm131.5
14:09 Vehicle Stop, AB Rd
14:11 Traffic, I-84 EB MM88
14:25 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM93
14:46 Subject Stop, I-84 EB MM92
15:38 Motorist Assist, Hwy 30
16:38 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 MM4
17:06 Animal
17:16 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 MM5
17:32 Motorist Assist, I-84 EB MM89
17:37 Vehicle Stop, MH
18:49 Civil
19:51 Harassment, MH
20:08 Welfare
21:05 Motorist Assist, I-84 EB MM81
23:18 Vehicle Stop, MH
23:42 Animal, Hwy 20 MM100
December 25
00:05 Assist, MH
00:19 Family Fight, MH
04:15 Attempt to Locate, I-84 MM74-95
09:31 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20
09:45 Alarm Law, MH
10:30 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM132
12:37 Vehicle Stop, AB Rd MM3.5
12:46 Vehicle Stop, AB Rd MM3.7
12:52 Custody
12:54 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM97
14:06 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30
14:36 Vehicle Stop, I-84 MM95
15:46 Assist
15:51 Missing
17:08 Traffic, I-84 WB MM106
17:31 Traffic, Hwy 20 MM165
20:51 Assist, MH
21:27 Vehicle Stop, MH
22:57 Domestic
December 26
04:43 Vehicle Stop, Am Leg
04:45 Subject Stop, Am Leg
09:05 Vehicle Stop
10:47 Traffic, I-84 MM84
12:35 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM88 1/2
12:55 Slide Off, Pine/Featherville
12:57 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM87
20:06 Domestic, Glenns Ferry
20:42 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 51
23:26 Traffic, I-84 EB MM87
December 27
01:30 DUI, I-84 EB MM97
02:01 Vehicle Stop, Am Leg
02:54 Assist, MH
03:01 Vehicle Stop, MH
03:35 Alarm Law, Fairfield
07:41 Assist, I-84 WB MM119
08:04 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM77
08:16 Assist, I-84 WB MM129
12:17 Vehicle Stop, MH
12:25 Parking Violation, Hwy 20
12:51 Assist
13:10 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM137
13:29 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM104-105
13:43 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM104
14:18 Vehicle Stop, Am Leg
14:29 Vehicle Stop
15:33 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM99
15:48 Parking Violation
16:00 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30
16:28 Traffic, I-84 WB MM98
16:33 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM104
16:33 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM98
16:40 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM86
16:44 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM95.5
17:01 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM95
18:02 Vehicle Stop, MH
18:08 Vehicle Stop, MH
18:09 Vehicle Stop, MH
18:13 Vehicle Stop, Tipanuk
18:20 Traffic, MH
18:21 Traffic, I-84 WB MM99
18:46 Vehicle Stop, Glenns Ferry
19:19 Motorist Assist, Glenns Ferry
19:54 Traffic, I-84 WB MM103
20:49 Vehicle Stop, I-84 MM104
20:57 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM107
21:36 Vehicle Stop, MH
21:37 Suspicious, Glenns Ferry
22:07 Vehicle Stop, AB Rd
22:16 Vehicle Stop, AB Rd MM3.5
December 28
07:31 Welfare
08:09 Motorist Assist, AB Rd
11:01 Motorist Assist, MH
11:01 Reckless, I-84 WB MM87
11:14 VIN Inspection
11:47 Stolen Vehicle
12:54 Break-In, MH
13:07 VIN Inspection, MH
13:21 Vehicle Stop
14:58 Vehicle Stop, MH
16:25 Vehicle Stop, Hammett
16:35 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30
16:44 Motorist Assist, Hwy 30
17:22 Animal
17:44 Vehicle Stop, MH
17:57 Welfare
20:27 Traffic, I-84 EB MM99
20:57 Family Fight, MH
21:58 Hazard, I-84 WB MM90
23:34 Vehicle Stop, MH
December 29
06:25 Hazard, I-84 EB MM122
08:29 Theft, Glenns Ferry
09:09 Assault/Battery, Pine
09:31 Warrant
10:38 Collision Unknown, I-84 EB
12:51 Animal, Glenns Ferry
13:50 Child Abuse, MH
15:51 VIN Inspection, MH
17:02 Vehicle Stop
17:09 Suspicious, Hammett
17:29 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30
19:02 Assault/Battery, Pine
19:34 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM126
19:46 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM108
20:00 Motorist Assist, Hwy 20 MM102
20:37 Motorist Assist, Hwy 20 MM98
20:58 Paper Service
December 30
04:32 Collision Property Damage, I-84 WB MM111.5
04:38 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM118.2
07:09 Motorist Assist, MH
07:12 Slide Off, AB Rd
09:07 Warrant, MH
10:00 Parking Violation, Featherville
10:25 Traffic, AB Rd MM7.5
11:34 Collision Property Damage, MH
11:57 Motorist Assist, Pine/Featherville
15:05 Citizen Assist
16:53 Vehicle Stop, I-84 MM124.5
18:46 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM98
19:49 K9, I-84 WB MM98
20:10 Assist, MH
21:42 Vehicle Stop, MH
22:02 Vehicle Stop
23:45 Animal, Old Hwy 30
December 31
00:51 Possible Overdose, MH
01:40 Man With Gun, MH
03:41 Assist
04:21 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM105
07:09 Collision Property Damage, MH
08:20 Vehicle Stop, MH
12:10 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM77
12:28 Lost Property
13:04 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM105
13:11 Juvenile Problem
14:20 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM88
16:12 Suicide Threat
16:32 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM76-77
17:21 Collision Unknown, I-84 MM77.5
17:26 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM80
17:51 Slide Off, I-84 Exit 120
18:01 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM88
18:15 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM106
18:43 Collision Unknown, I-84 WB MM78
18:53 Slide Off, Exit 95
18:54 Slide Off, I-84 MM98-99
19:06 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM131-132
19:50 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM107
20:15 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM90
20:58 Collision Personal Injury, I-84 WB MM115
21:42 Vehicle Stop, MH
January 1
00:08 Shots Heard, MH
01:04 Vehicle Stop, MH
01:09 Assist, MH
01:55 Assist, MH
01:58 911 Hang-up, MH
03:52 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM124
03:55 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM123
04:43 Motorist Assist, I-84 EB MM126.5
06:43 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM110
07:23 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM113.4
07:30 Animal, MH
08:10 Warrant, I-84 WB MM124.5
08:11 Motorist Assist, I-84 MM117
09:10 Slide Off, Hwy 20 MM124
09:17 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM114
09:47 Assist, Hwy 20
12:01 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM124
12:26 Traffic, MH
12:37 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM121
12:59 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM120
13:05 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM122
14:49 Traffic, I-84 WB
15:14 Abandoned Vehicle, Simco Rd MM16.5
17:12 Motorist Assist, I-84 EB MM110
17:18 Motorist Assist, I-84 EB MM118
17:27 Animal
18:00 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM110
18:11 Civil, Glenns Ferry
18:57 Animal, Tipanuk
20:05 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 MM3
20:15 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 MM5
20:24 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67
20:34 Traffic, I-84 EB MM79
20:50 Assist, I-84 WB MM90
21:32 911 Hang-up
22:54 Vehicle Stop, Am Legion
January 2
01:28 Motorist Assist
02:45 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM101.2
03:07 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM104
03:23 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM75
03:53 Collision Property Damage, I-84 WB MM117
03:57 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM80
04:01 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM106
04:23 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM78.5
05:47 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM122.5
05:57 Collision Property Damage, I-84 MM79
06:27 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM120
07:32 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM119
08:19 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM117
10:55 911 Hang-up, MH
January 3
00:05 Vehicle Stop, MH
00:32 Vehicle Stop, MH
06:48 Domestic
08:56 Theft
10:20 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM81
11:45 Welfare, Pine/Featherville
13:23 Reckless, MH
14:54 Open, MH
19:24 Collision Property Damage, I-84 EB MM91.75
20:32 Traffic, I-84 WB MM81
January 4
02:00 Assist, MH
04:10 Welfare, MH
07:18 Break-In, MH
10:59 Vandalism, MH
12:59 VIN Inspection
13:27 Vehicle Stop, MH
14:34 VIN Inspection, MH
15:08 Civil, MH
16:05 Dog Bite, MH
17:07 Paper Service, MH
17:16 Paper Service, MH
18:05 Paper Service, MH
18:58 Paper Service, MH
22:15 Domestic, Hwy 51
23:45 Vehicle Stop, Am Legion
January 5
00:27 Vehicle Stop
03:36 Assist, MH
04:59 Assist, MH
06:00 Welfare
07:55 Vehicle Stop, Glenns Ferry
08:13 Assist, MH
09:09 Paper Service
09:48 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30
10:01 Juvenile Problem, MH
10:33 Assist, MH
12:18 Vehicle Stop, MH
13:31 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM116
13:56 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM110
16:32 Traffic, I-84 WB MM129
17:02 Collision Property Damage, MH
17:10 Collision Property Damage, MH
17:44 Citizen Assist, MH
17:47 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM110
23:26 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM72.5
23:26 Motorist Assist, I-84 WB MM73