Show your support for F-35
We cannot urge citizens strongly enough to send e-mails or letters to the Idaho congressional delegation urging support for the F-35 mission to be located at Mountain Home AFB.
Evidence of overwhelming support for the nation's newest fighter-bombers is vital as the process leading to a decision by the Air Force as to where the first of the new planes will be located begins.
Some of the communities under consideration have powerful political allies and congressional delegations already pushing hard for their bases to be selected, such as Arizona's Sen. John McCain and Utah's Orrin Hatch. As good as our delegation is, let's face it, they don't have that kind of power and influence. It's not supposed to be a political decision by the Air Force, but considering the massive economic benefits a state or community will receive if they win the right to host the first operational squadrons of the Lightning II aircraft, it would be the height of folly to assume politics is not going to play a role in the decision.
Mountain Home was considered, but lost out, on the decision to locate F-22 Raptors here. Now, to ensure the long-term future of this base, it is vital that we obtain the F-35 mission.
The base currently is waiting on a decision to expand its training range airspace, which would help our chances a lot. There's a good chance that will go through.
So we'll have some prime airspace, an excellent training range for which we fought so hard in the 1990s to obtain, and good flying weather. We also have local laws in place that inhibit encroachment around the base, something that is becoming increasingly important to Air Force operations around the country.
But now we have to demonstrate, by e-mails and letters, that the thing we're most famous for -- our community support -- is something real. Those e-mails and letters are tangible evidence of our support that the delegation can take to the Air Force to show how much we would like to see this mission located at Mountain Home AFB.
And please stress that it's not so much the economic value of the base that's important, but the fact that we actually like having these airmen here. They are important players in our community. Our support comes more from a sense of deep patriotism than it does the need for deep pockets. Let our delegation and the Air Force know how much we appreciate and applaud their presence here.
This would only be the start of the process. Later, formal hearings and public comment periods will be held. But our chances for success improve greatly if, from day one, we show overwhelming support. It's not often you get a chance to have a direct impact on the future of your community, but spending just a few minutes to send a note to our delegation letting them know you support this mission can actually make a difference.
Send those cards and letters now, folks.
-- Kelly Everitt