Kids tell Santa what they want for Christmas

Each year, with the help of the "elves" at the Mountain Home Fire Department, local children can drop off letters to Santa Claus at a special North Pole-only mailbox in front of the Mountain Home News.
The elves, with Santa's permission, have allowed us to reprint some of the letters delivered to Santa. They offer a wonderful insight into the thoughts of children at Christmas, and the kinds of gifts kids want these days. With their last names left out (Santa knows who they are), here are some of their thoughts on Christmas, just as they wrote them:
Dear Santa...
My name is Reece. I am 5 years old and live in Mountain Home Idaho. I have been a good girl all year and would like for Christmas a puppy, a wii, a radio, clothes and movies. Make sure you eat the cookies I leave for you!
P.S. Can I please pet your raindeers!
I know Christmas is coming and you are very busy, but for a change, could you make me something out of wood? Otherwise, could you please bring me any new Star Wars guys? "Chewbacka, mouse droid, and Death Star Droid." Have a very merry Christmas! P.S. Do you know Frosty the Snowman?
How are you? My dad is in Afghanistan, can you give him some advanced guns? I would like some books & a bike.
I do not want much I just want a great day with my family and some 1/2 inch PVC for marshmallow guns, and eggs. Thank you. P.S. The best gift I could have ever asked was my grandpa getting new lungs it happened so I could not ask for much more.
How are your reindeer? How are you, Santa? I have been a really good boy this year! I would like a dragon castle. Please say hi to my daddy and give him treats ... he is in Afghanistan. Oops... one more thing, I would also like a penguin.
For Christmas I want a pair of the new night vision goggles, they look like this... I want a remote control snowmobile and a plane ticket to California and back to go see my dad. Thank you,
Bring me what you want. Please make sure all children get toys for Christmas.
Can you bring my sister a horse and me a puppy! Please I'm begging you.
I would like a Selana Gomez doll for Christmas. Also a Spa for Christmas. I have been really good this year. I hope you enjoy the cookies!
What do I want for Christmas you may ask. I have been a good girl. I would like a scooter please Santa. I am not on the naghty list.
I would like a D.S. and a game. I would also like a T.V. of my own. I would like a lot of presents under the Christmas tree. I will make you cookies and give you a cup of milk. But maybe two cups of milk.
I want powers for Christmas. And a horse. Please I will do anything. The horse I want more. And anything else you think I need.
I really want a kitten, our family cat Wiseguy needs a friend, I think. The next thing is a toy kitten and a cat photo. But I really want a kitten, a real one, so I can care for it, play with it, feed it and love it. And I want a coupon for cat food. A cat bed, two food dishes, a bag of cat treats and a brush. If you ge tthose, thank you, thank you!
Dear Santa,
I've been a big boy this year. For Christman I want a zebra, legos, and a bike. And I want candy, you didn't give me any when I sat with you on the blue couch, you just gave me a book.
Bye Santa, love Tristan
I want boxing loves that are green and a big jack in a box. I have been good this year; because I been passing classes. I promise I won't yell or scream otherwise you won't bring me nothing. Thank you,
I would like a new DS game. I want a new pair of glasses. I would like a truck set. I would like a new notebook. I would like a problem solver. I would like a monster truck.
I wish for Nerf (gun). I wish for transformers. I wish for Hotwheels. I wish for Star Wars.
How are you? Be safe on Christmas. Please bring me a handy manny motorcycle, a avalanche pillow. Thank you,
How are you? My brother Jacob is helping me. I am only one. Please bring her a doll. And a book. Thank you,
My name is Zachary and I am 3 years old. For Christmas I would really like "a big boat with guys driving." I would also like a Pittsburgh Steelers helmet and shirt. I like your reindeer and you. I like your red suit. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I would like a cash register, a tank, a Star Wars vehicle, a castle, an etch-a-sketch, a picnic table and I would like some other things too. And thanks for giving presents to everyone. Thank you,
Penguin toys. Littlest pet shops. Suitcase. Zuzupets. Color Wonder. Penguin toys. Paperrones. Stuff for Hawaii. Beadamana. Puzzles. Shoes. Boots. Clothes. Gymnastic outfit. Books. Water bottle. Lpso. Camera. Build a Bear.
Drawing set. Train set. Candyland. Chutes and Ladders. I was a good boy this year. I'll be in Oregon for Christmas. See you there,
Have a fun Christmas. Remote control car, toy robot, garage for cars. I've been a good boy.
How are you? I would like Hot Wheels cars, Space racer building set, collectible vehicle, toy guitar.
How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I would like: Handy manny bowling game, Shake 'n go racer, Jungle imaginext, Quad rider, fire truck, Popity Pop train.
How are the reindeer? I would like a flip over car, monster jam set, a new bike. I have been good.
Have you had a good year? Me too! For Christmas, please bring me a Bakugon, a little play bed, a Barbie car. Thank you,
How are you? Can I have a couple of clones please. And a clone tank and a couple of droids? Thank you,
I would like to have a guitar and Bratz's and barbies and Ipod and dsi and a kareoke and a lot of toys, make up.
Please bring me a clone turbo tank and a droid tank, any type of droid tank, and a speed racer. D.S. game and some more clones and droids. P.S. How are your elves doing.
Can I please have a toy cat and a toy dog. Thank you for my presents.
How are you doing? How are the elf's and reindeer doing? This Christmas I want ... a ripstick, 7 in one maxus dragoind, Guitar hero smash hits (PS2), hot wheels, skate board, gloves, Nintendo dsi.
I want a mini laptop for Christmas, a hamster, a cage for the hamster, food for the hamster, and everything for a hamster.
For Christmas I want light-bright and the BIGGEST life size brat house you can think of. A huge playhouse you have. And joy for my family. And a Huge snow day EVER. And anything else you can think of. P.S. And a Phone!
I want for Christmas is a lime green ipod with all of Michael Jackson's songs and a lapton internet with game that I like are and and all the games there are and that works and let me play and a Justin Bieber cd with all of his songs and all of Justin Bieber's songs on my ipod.
I don't think I want a nintendo DS anymore, and I think I want a camera. I think if my dad doesn't get me one then you might get me one. If nobody gets me one, then it's okay. Love,
I want a psp, Madden 10 and three shooting games.
I would like a TV and a camp rock movie and a Hannah Montana song. P.S. A Nintendo, Justin Bieber CD, DSi.
My name is Adaliz. I have been a good girl this year. Can you get me a present? I want a pink guitar with flower on it.
I have been a good girl. For Christmas I would like sled, clothes, tinker2, chair, doll princess dress up set, TVs, tea set, horses, play hair, necklace, Grace video game.
My name is McKenna. For Christmas I would like pretty red ribbon shoes, a Barbie movie, diapers and food for my Baby Alive, a Nintendo DS, a picture of you and me, and a rock star set. Thank you and Merry Christmas,
What I want for Christmas is ... Tetherball set, cupcake maker, Moxie girl, Laptop, cell phone, Ipod touch screen, Barbie shaggy dog, Painting set, Littlest petshop, $20, camera, Pony, Tea party set (glass), Art set, Good clothes, Good shoes, Baby bunny, Hamster track, Spa stuff, T.V., Purse, Wallet. Fun Stuff!
Football game DS, a Wii, a Xbox 360, a Pokemon game Wii, Pokemon game DS, a new cool football and lots of presents. I want a water gun and a new bike and some Pokemon cards and other cool things. Thank you,
I want a new bike. I want a sopr brastn rokit. I want a toy sod and some pokemon.
I would like a p.s.p., xbox, p.s.3, nintendo DS and a Wii. Merry Christmas,
My name is Shawn Jr. I'm 7 years old and all I want for Christmas is a skateboard, a mp3 player, a Nintendo DS, a remote control car that drives on walls, and a flash light like my Uncle Williams. Hope you have a Merry Christmas too.
Thank you
love Shawn Jr.
My name is Emily and I am 8 years old. This is what I would like for christmas some clothes, a snowglobe, a real sell phone, a cool hat, a notebook, a backpack, a alarm clock, and dry earas markers
Thank you Santa
Love Emily.
I would like a cell phone, misletow, new clouthes, a new pair of shoes, paint stuff, and a new white board.
Love, Elia
Merry Christmas
My name is Elizabeth. I am 3 years old and all I want for Christmas is a puppy, a drum set, Barbies, and mickey mouse stuff
Love you very much
Merry Christmas
My name is Jesse and I'am 3 yrs old. I would like a train set for Christmas also I would like big tonka truck to dig in the dirt
I also love hot wheels cars I love slippers and pjs
I need a winter coat
I hope you have a good Christmas
love you
Wish List
laptop, bakugan, game for DS, PSP, smack down v.s. raw 2010, wwe poster.
From, Marcus
Dear santa clous
I can't wait antell Christmas. I think that christmas is the best holoday ever and I think you and your elves are cool and I like your suits and I like your hat and I like your eyes and I like your elves green suits and I heard your randears names and I like your randears names and I like your name that you have right now and I like your randears names as they are right now and I like the elves ears and their eyes and your face and I think that you and your elves are cool.
I want the hotwheels with the shark, a pigybank shaped like a pig, a toy shark I could bring in the bathtub, the shark like dausting that can open its mouth and I could take of his tail, a toy bow an arrow, a toy sowd, a toy cell phone, a toy and real computer, action figures, 2 snowglobes, a vampire mask, a buzz lightyear and woody doll, a drum like our dads, a toy horse where I can ride that actually moves, a triangle rock with rope so I can tie it on to the bow an arrow, a bubble gum maciene, bubbles, a PSP, an arrow head neck lace, a lemon heah machiene, a robot that will do what ever I say.
From Julian
P.S. Nikki wrote this.
For Christmas this year, all I want is a laptop, (MacBook prefurably) Left For Dead 2 the video game for Xbox 360, a RipStick, a new motorcycle, and I really want the whole Pendragon series.
Signed Jacob
Amber's christmas list
Dear santa I want a phone, computter, stufed animal, or something ells love
This is Britin
i wish for a ipod nano with some speakers I would like it to be purpple because it my favorite color im 10 years old this year and I go to hacker middle school.
This is Kayla im three years old i don't go to school yet. I wish for a pink computer Thats all
thanks santa
My name is Damien. What are your reindeer names? I would like color shifters, lisard and book.
My name is Jacob. I am three years old and I love Christmas. I have been a good boy all year. For Christmas I would like cars, movies and coloring books. See you soon.
what I would like for Christmas is a cell phone, the new sing it game, fancy snow boots, hat and gloves, expo markers, 2 webkinz, The Ella Enchanted book, converses, 1 purple 1 pink and 2 patterned ones, skinny jeans, shirts, pants, and a wonderful Christmas!
Mom says I've tried to be good this year! I would like cars, color books, and a yellow bike. I love you Santa.
Love Wyatt
All I want for christmas is a dora explora bed a princess set of dress [crown, ring, shoes, etc...] a dora phone
Name known only to Santa
What I Want for Christmas is: a picture of Trouble, a phone, a Wii game,
I have been a good boy this year. I would please like a castle with a dragon, batman house, nintendo dogs DS game, power ranger sword and gun, light saber, scooby doo toys, skateboard, gator golf, rescue pack, uno moon farm, and a remote control car.
Tyler age 4
I have been a good boy I was Call of duty modern warfare and, a nerf gun pokemon cards, 3 bionicles, apple's to apple's, a laptop a dell one, Mario and Luiege clot's, Sorry and Sorry sliders, and newest momnoply, Mario and Luinigi in side bowser story, and a shppies.
Ethan, age 8
Ive been a really good kid this year. For Christmas I want an xbox 360, Super hero nintendo game, a new power ranger action figure and nintendo ds with games. You can pick one or two of those games or toys. Thats all I want. Ive been realy good. So merry Christmas Santa!!! See you next year!!!!!
my name is Ariana. I am 6 years old
For Christmas I would like
1. swing to me puppy
2. ICarly microphone
3. ICarly remote
4. ICarly phone
5. Password journal
6. Clothes. Size 7
7. Baby alive
8. Cupcake maker
I want magic tree house book's and horible hary book's and Goosbumb's book's and Lego Indiana Jones 2 the game Lego Rock band and saint's row 1 and startreck and abs
I would love a Jonas brotherr skate board, some DS games, I would also like some Wii games. I would love some chapter books too. My baby sister Ella would like some wonder pets toys to and some baby books.
From Sara
I have been a very good girl. Mommy & Daddy & Otto have been good too. My baby brother Jacob have been good too. I would like a kitty piano for Christmas. Jacob wants a ball. I also want a trampoline and steps. I would like a candy cane. Have a very Merry Christmas.
My name is Seth. I'm 21 but I believe you're never too old to write to Santa. I think I have been good this year. I graduated high school and Job Corps this year and I leave for Army basic training on Dec. 24. So all I want for Christmas this year is a wish of good luck and an ICP Jacket. Thanks for listening and I will never stop believing.