Bart Eben wins coin toss for fifth seat on Mellen water district board
Bart Eben became the fifth member of the Mellen Sub Water District board following a three-way coin flip to resolve a tie for that position last week.
Meeting in the commissioner's room at the courthouse, Eben, Art Vagt and Silvia Vagt were each represented by courthouse employees, led by County Clerk Marsa Plummer. The three county workers each flipped a coin for the person they represented, with the "odd coin" of the three (two heads and one tail) eliminating incumbent board chairman Art Vagt. Plummer than had Silvia Vagt call the second coin toss and she lost, resulting in former board member Eben winning the position.
A smiling Eban noted that "I never won anything in my life."
See the Mountain Home News for the complete story.