Central District Health to distribute H1N1 vaccine soon

With the H1N1 "swine flu" identified in every school in the district, and the recent death of a Canyon County man from the disease, Central District Health Department (CDHD) is gearing up to distribute vaccine as soon as possible in Elmore and other Treasure Valley counties.
CDHD expects delivery of the H1N1 flu vaccine sometime in mid-October and will immediately work to vaccinate those in priority groups first.
Priority groups include:
* Pregnant women.
* Household contacts and caregivers for children younger than 6 months of age.
* Healthcare and emergency medical services personnel.
* All people from 6 months to 24 years of age.
* Persons ages 25-64 who have health conditions associated with higher risk of medical complications from the flu.
See the Mountain Home News for the complete story.