Skyview a bad idea
Dear editor:
I wish to advise you we are adamantly opposed to the proposal to change the zoning from Agricultural to R-3 that is being requested by Skyview Estates LLC.
The City of Mountain Home and Elmore County are incapable of maintaining the services required by the present population. And the current economic environment will (see the city) reducing services that are inadequate at this time. And those services will be more so in the future.
The people who live in this area are here because of the tranquility of the rural atmosphere and do not want or need city services. Law enforcement and traffic control are nearly non-existent in the current state of affairs and encroachment by more people will strain it to becoming entirely ineffective.
Our county road department is strained as it is. And will be unable to maintain the roads with the increased traffic. The access to the city proper, being approximately 3.5 miles, is only accessible by two streets, which in the event of a road closure will not be able to accommodate the number of vehicles used by the number of houses proposed.
We find it ludicrous that the City of Mountain Home would even consider annexing more land specifically north of the interstate where we live because we want the rural atmosphere. City service connections are an expense that is economically unfeasible and completely unnecessary. There is land south and west of the city that would be much more viable.
Once again, let it be known to the mayor and city council that we OPPOSE ADAMANTLY any change in the agricultural zoning between 18th Street on the east and Canyon Creek Road on the west and anything north of the interstate!
Charles A. Cairns