Nuke plant a bad idea
Dear editor:
Remember the guy in the suit? Well, he's back in the commissioners' office and states:
There are a few I neglected to mention when I was here last.
1. You will need to secure a large tax increase to your county citizens for the needs of my private endeavor.
2. I will pay no taxes for seven or more years which would normally support your commitment to new roads, schools, hospitals, etc., therefore they would remain as your burden long after I am gone with my employees.
3. Only a limited number of jobs I might provide would go to your county citizens as my needs are too specialized for "ordinary" people.
4. I will not provide a bond guaranteeing completion of my project as it would be too costly to me.
5. I am required to provide a new development agreement and plans which I expect your county to provide at no cost to me.
Now whaddaya say folks?
You tell me!
Conrad Thomas