Jobs AEHI have promised just won't happen
Dear editor:
If you take a look at the AEHI website you will get all of the facts that you need to make a logical decision whether a nuclear power plant or jobs will ever materialize through AEHI.
The facts: As of Dec. 31, 2008, AEHI has assets of $161,677. As of July 18, 2006, their stock sold for 15 cents a share on the pink sheets, which are for small public-held companies that are not substantial enough to qualify for the N.Y. Stock Exchange. The most telling fact is that AEHI has only three employees including their CEO. The estimated cost to build a 1600-megawatt nuclear power plant is $15 billion. AEHI acknowledges that in today's economic climate with their lack of funds, and no means to raise capital, that being licensed by the nuclear regulatory commissions will be almost impossible.
Why does AEHI promise jobs, schools and infrastructure improvements? Because they (all three of them) need public opinion on their side to get a zoning change from Agriculture A to heavy industry M2. My belief is that this zoning change has been their only goal all along. Twelve-hundred acres with M2 designation and water rights could be worth a fortune to AEHI if sold to the right heavy industrial business.
Why does it matter if it is rezoned to heavy industrial? The answer is because it can be sold to any company, like a toxic waste storage business. When land is rezoned it cannot be stipulated that it be used only for a nuclear power plant. From what I understand, it is almost impossible in Idaho to reverse zoning once a change has been made.
I know that jobs are very important to any community, but it doesn't appear that this small under-funded company is the solution. They have their agenda and jobs are not part of it.
Chase Robertson