Summer food program has best turnout in history of the effort

A free breakfast and lunch program at East Elementary School for children 18 years and younger, and adults for a minimal cost, held during this summer, had a bigger attendance than last year.
"The program last year only had about five to ten people from off the street. This year we had 50 or more," said Mountain Home School District Food Service Director, Brain Hershey.
The program was sponsored by the school district, using special grant funds.
"We are serving about 150 people for breakfast from 8 a.m to 9 a.m. and 250 during lunch at 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. Most of those attending are from the Summer School Program and Special Education (ESY)," Hershey said, adding, "We would like to see more children, senior citizens and adults come enjoy themselves and have some good food.
According to Hershey, the program has been going for about 10 years and since he took over the program two years ago, he has been very pro-active about promoting the program.
The program is run by two paid workers and there were 12 volunteer students from the 5th grade through sophomores in high school.
They helped serve, clean and helped the teachers in the classroom.
"We are always looking for more volunteers, even adults that can help out," said Hershey
"The adults and children that help eat for free. They can help in any area that they would like. We train and have no problem with those who are not experienced in food service," said Hershey.