City asks residents for alternate day sprinkling

The city of Mountain Home is asking residents to begin alternate-day sprinkling.
Residents with even-numbered house addresses are asked to water their lawns on even-number days, and those with odd-numbered addresses should water on odd-numbered days.
Problems with one well in particular, and two others with growing problems, are making it difficult to maintain adequate water levels for the city as it enters the period of the hottest days of summer.
The city has not yet reached a point where it must order mandatory water conservations measures, "but we're close right now," Mayor Tom Rist said, urging every citizen to be mindful of water use in order to avoid stressing the city systems any further.
In order to help even out the demand on the city's pumping capacity, the city has requested that the school district water during the day, and has ordered its own parks department to do the same with city parks, even though the city is aware that is a less efficient time to water.
For more details, see next week's Mountain Home News.