DARE golf tournament set for Aug. 8
The Mountain Home Police Department will sponsor the 9th Annual DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Golf Tournament on Saturday, Aug. 8, at the Desert Canyon Golf Course in Mountain Home.
Team registrations are still being accepted and are $180 per team, consisting of four players (limit of 34 teams). Registration fees include two golf carts, greens fees, and food provided courtesy of McDonalds and Subway.
The tournament will include trophies and awards for the top three teams, as well as gift certificates for women and men's longest drive, longest put, and closest to the pin.

Immediately following the tournament organizers will hold a raffle for the opportunity to win "hundreds of fantastic items" such as PING drivers, wedges, putters, and more.
A separate raffle also will be held for a brand new 2009 Yamaha Drive gas golf cart with custom paint job, courtesy of Doug Batchelor of Doug's Designs, and rims and tires courtesy of Les Schwab Tires. Tickets are $100 each and a maximum of 100 tickets will be sold. Participants for the golf cart raffle do not need to be present to win.
Those who would like to register a team, purchase a golf cart raffle ticket, sponsor a golf hole, or donate a raffle item contact Detective Dan Dack at 587-2101, ext. 269.