We need to put a limit on housing
Dear editor:
I read your story in the Mountain Home News dated June 24. It was titled "County seeks input on future vision for area." Later in the article you said call us but no phone number was given. However Kelly Everitt gave an address in his fine editorial. I think Mr. Everitt is a fine newspaper man.
My opinions are as follows:
1. I think the county should outlaw fireworks stands. The fire department says it is a state issue but you could set the tone. Every year our firefighters risk their lives because people bought so-called safe and sane fireworks and did not use them properly, especially children. A public display like we have is enough. Firefighters are there in case anything goes wrong. Our firefighters are great people. Most do a tough job for no money. We should not endanger their lives for fun and games.
2. I do think we need wind farms anyplace they would work. If it would help reduce our dependence on foreign oil they could put some up in my backyard. We should drill for oil here in the United States and not send our money to countries that do not like us. They take our money and talk against us. We should not give them our business.
3. We should not allow any more homes to be built in Mountain Home unless it is to replace one that has been destroyed by fire or other disaster. I noticed a new subdivision near SW Smith Road. They should never have been allowed a building permit. We have a water shortage we had before that subdivision was built. Please do not allow us to make it any worse.
4. We do need nuclear power. It is in our future but no one wants it in their backyard, but we need it. WE NEED IT. It will come sooner or later. We could have built it where that new subdivision is. We need more power, not more people. Traffic is much worse than when I moved here in 1989.
Barbara J. Larson