Tiger baseball team hosts first annual alumni baseball game on Monday, June 20 at Eastside Park

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Mountain Home Tiger baseball team will host its "first annual alumni baseball game" on June 20 at the baseball fields at Eastside Park.

The event gets under way at 5 p.m. with a barbeque dinner.

Tiger head baseball coach Travis DeVore indicated there will be waffle ball for the kids starting at that time as well.

"We want to make this a family event, so we encourage the alumni to bring their children to the field for the barbecue and kids waffle ball game on the varsity field.

"We'll also have a Home Run Derby on the J. field beginning at 5 p.m."

Prizes and entry fees will be announced the day of the competition.

DeVore said the nine-inning alumni game will begin at 7:30 p.m. and is open to any graduate of Mountain Home High School.

Teams will be divided into odd and even graduation years.

DeVore said the cost for the dinner, playing in the alumni game and a game shirt is $30. DeVore would like the alumni that want to play to pre-register by June 15. Mail the registration form to Travis DeVore, MHHS Baseball, 300 South 10th East St., Mountain Home, ID 83647.

"We will also be honoring those people who have contributed to the building of our new concession stand and announcer's booth prior to the game at 7:15 p.m.," DeVore said.

Tickets for the game are $5, or $10 for the game and barbeque, or $30 for a family, which includes the dinner.

All proceeds will go to improving the baseball facilities.

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