Noxious weed spray day planned in Pine/Featherville area June 25
The SFCWMA (South Fork Cooperative Weed Management Area) will again be offering a community weed awareness spray day for the Pine/Featherville communities.
The spray days are made possible due to a cost share program with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. "In-kind" credit for labor of agencies and private landowners treating noxious weeds qualifies for funding of purchase of chemicals to treat noxious weeds. This is not a free service, this is a cooperation of agencies and private landowners working together to control noxious weeds on public and private lands.
Idaho law requires landowners to control noxious weeds on their property.
The community spray days are intended to bring awareness of noxious weeds in the area to landowners and help them begin a treatment plan for control of noxious weed infestations they may have on their property. Chemical given is specifically formulated for treatment of noxious weeds of concern in the area and not for use on non-listed weeds.
Backpacks will be available to landowners to check out to spray weeds.
Those participating should come dressed in long sleeves, pants, and closed-toe shoes for spraying purposes. Those who cannot attend but know they have weeds they would like to be treated on your property you may give written permission to a neighbor to pick up chemical and spray the property.
Chemicals will be given out on a first come first serve basis.
Officials are asking that citizens check their property for noxious weeds and plan to participate in a spray day in your area or make arrangements with a neighbor or a member of the SFCWMA to spray your property. A unified effort is required to eradicate weed infestations and protect our native species.
The Pine/Featherville Spray Day will be Thursday, June 25.
Chemicals can be picked up at the Pine Senior Center from 10 noon, and at the Featherville Store from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Contact SFCWMA Chairman Tina Ruffing with the Mountain Home Ranger District at 587-7961, ext. 7167 or ext. 7170, or Dean Johnson with the Idaho Department of Lands at 334-3488, ext. 108, for more information.