Senior center shows off its upgrades

The Mountain Home Senior Center held an open house Saturday to show off its new facilities and programs.
New members, senior members, volunteers and guests were all present to help with the event, take a tour, enjoy music, and have refreshments and drinks.
Jo Wright and Joyce Scott were greeters and decorators for the event.
Both gave tours of the center as well as President Ruthada Powell.
Powell proudly noted that the center has undergone some new changes.
A new paint job both inside and outside, a new exercise room, a thrift shop, new kitchen counters, dish washer, new curtains and pictures were just some of the updates.
Some of the updates were done with volunteer time, donations and other projects were paid through a grant that the center received.
"The Lions Club donated their time and paint for the updated look, said Powell.
New computers were donated to the center to help with the SHEBA program that helps seniors with medical insurance.
The center is mainly maintained by volunteers. Many of them dedicate their time to cook, run activities and help with needs of the senior community.
Another project that was updated is the thrift shop, which is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the public and seniors.
Alice Payton, a center volunteer said "prices are really reasonably from 25 cents up for clothing, dishes, housewares, sporting goods, books.
"We are always looking for donations and they are highly appreciated."
The center has many daily and monthly activities, but it is also a local gathering place for seniors that want to just visit, read a book, do a puzzle and make new friends.
For times of activities or more information call 587-4562 or check out the senior center news on Page A-6 of each week's edition of the Mountain Home News.