Hiddleston, Bermensolo to lead WECRD planning committee effort
The Treasure Valley Family YMCA (YMCA) and the Western Elmore County Recreation District (WECRD) are in the process of finalizing a working relationship to have the YMCA provide consulting services to the WECRD for the planning of a Community Center/potential Family YMCA in the Mountain Home area.
"While the WECRD has made significant progress in the pursuit of a facility to meet community needs, the YMCA, which has operated in the Treasure Valley since 1891, will bring a unique expertise to the project," the Treasure Valley YMCA said in a prepared statement.
"As a part of the YMCA and WECRD timeline, the two organizations will work together for approximately the next year, at which time a meeting will be held between the two organizations to discuss the possibility and nature of a long-term relationship."
The planning process to meet community needs will be led by a volunteer group -- the Community Leadership Development Committee (CLDC).
Alan Bermensolo and Mark Hiddleston have agreed to serve as Co-Chairs of the Community Leadership Development Committee. "Under the guidance of these two leaders, the CLDC will be formed in the next couple of months and will begin work to complete the planning process," the Y spokesperson said.
That committee will be charged with acting on behalf of the community in making decisions in regards to all matters pertaining to the planning of a Rec Center/YMCA in the Mountain Home community.
"The committee will provide guidance to all aspects of the planning, including community input and ownership, program and facility development, and financial and budget development," the Y spokesperson said.
Included in the planning process will be a market study, completed by a third-party firm, to address long-term sustainability of the proposed facility. At the completion of this initial planning phase, and based on the completed studies, the CLDC will make a recommendation to the WECRD and the Treasure Valley Family YMCA Board as to proposed programs to meet community needs and the feasibility of a Rec Center/YMCA facility in the Mountain Home Community.