If it's OK to torture some, then anyone can be tortured
Dear editor:
I know that some lives could be lost by not torturing others, but principles do not compromise and neither should we.
International protections against torture are there for everyone, not any one single group. Should an American be captured and tortured, our country would have both legal recourse and the TRUE INTEGRITY to prosecute the offenders. We should not have a double standard where torture is "OK" for some and not for others.
To show the world we have the strength of character and belief in our freedoms we must be willing to pay the price. Giving in to the means of terrorism by using torture demeans us and puts us one step closer to being terrorists ourselves.
Personally I do not want to be tortured because a government office thinks I may know something about a terrorist attack. If you give in to this policy, that is what you are saying -- that you think saving one life is worth anyone anywhere in the world should be tortured to save it. What if that person was one of your parents or your child? You must remember that this policy also includes you and me.
Of course the current policy has not yet presented this situation, but it still begs the question. If it is okay to torture them -- then it must be okay to torture anyone.
Ron Rogers