4-H Invitational horse show set
Elmore County Invitational Horse Show, hosted by the University of Idaho Elmore County 4-H, will be held Saturday, May 30, at the county fairgrounds in Glenns Ferry.
Registration will begin at 7:15 a.m. with the show starting at 8 a.m.
The pre-registration deadline is Monday, May 25. A $5 processing fee will be charged for registrations on the day of show.
The cost is $5 per class or $30 for a day fee for seven or more classes with same horse and rider.
All riders must be 8 as of Jan. 1, 2009.
Youth under 7 may enter stick horse classes.
Concessions will be provided by the Glenns Ferry Wranglers 4-H Club.
Registrations are available online at: http://extension.ag.uidaho.edu/elmore/4-H & Youth, or at the Elmore Extension Office, 535 East Jackson, Mountain Home, or by calling 587-2136 Ext. 251, or e-mailing Mary Ann Peterson at maryannp@uidaho.edu.
For more information contact Natasha Tienhaara at 580-2571 or cntequines@clearwire.net
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The county 4-H Horse Working Group is raffling off two butcher pigs (winners haul and pay for cut and wrap) and a "horsey basket" to benefit the Working Ranch Horse member's awards and participation awards.
The cost is $1 a ticket or six for $5. Tickets may be purchased from any 4-H Horse Member or Leader or by contacting the Elmore Extension Office, 535 East Jackson, 587-2136 Ext. 251.