Reach for the stars
A solid crowd of more than 50 people braved the cool temperatures the evening of April 4 to take part in a star party at Legacy Park.
Organized by Gary Swatzel and Carl Stanley, the turnout was sufficient that they plan on organizing a local hobby astronomy group -- The Mountain Home Stargazers.
"We don't want it to be too formal, with officers and stuff. We just want to have fun," Swatzel said.
The group would primarily be designed for those relatively new to the hobby of astronomy. "It's for those who want to get started, even if they only have a pair of binoculars," said Swatzel.
He said that he and Stanley spent much of Saturday night "running around helping people set up their telescopes" and showing them basic techniques for observing objects in the sky. Ultimately, he said, he hopes about a dozen or so experienced amateur astronomers will join the group in order to help those new to the hobby.
The group will hold its next star party at Legacy Park's soccer fields beginning at dusk on April 25 and again on May 23.
Anyone interested in learning more about the new stargazing group should call Swatzel at 863-8762.