AEHI to mail DVDs as part of push for nuke plant

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc., the group proposing a nuclear power plant southwest of Hammett, will begin a major push for community support beginning next week when it intends to mail DVDs to every resident of the county explaining its position.

"It will be mainly educational," said AEHI President Don Gillispie. The DVDs will provide an overview of the nuclear power industry and its safety standards, in an effort to alleviate concerns about those issues, he said, noting the current generation of power plants are the safest ever designed.

For the rest of story see this weeks Mountain Home News

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  • Nothing like mail fraud! Will it ever end with this guy and his followers?

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Wed, Mar 25, 2009, at 10:34 AM
  • *

    Seems to me that any money they have could be spent better elsewhere in educating the public. I know I will just toss the dvd as I don't have time to look at any dvd sent to me.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Wed, Mar 25, 2009, at 12:42 PM
  • how irritating, i dont need more junk mail. ohwell thats what recycling boxes are for .

    -- Posted by just1 on Wed, Mar 25, 2009, at 8:24 PM
  • Beyond OpinionMissy's negative comments and out right lies, I myself look forward to the information. It will help educate those that have only heard the fear factor lies, and maybe those that are still uncertain will give them the motivation to learn more truth and facts about the energy options in our state.

    -- Posted by Whyarentyoulistening? on Thu, Mar 26, 2009, at 12:28 PM
  • why are you all so negative about AEHI? What is wrong with clean, nuclear energy and the creation of much needed jobs in Idaho? Am I missing something?

    -- Posted by jibeniba on Thu, Mar 26, 2009, at 2:54 PM
  • Negative? Been to a meeting or a hearing on this? Visited the NRC web page which lists incidents and leaks? Clean energy? What about the tons and tons of nuclear waste that sits that we cannot do anything with? Clean or green? Not so much. Love the personal attacks WAYL. I live for conflict and mindless comments such as yours make my day. Have a wonderful night and sleep well.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Mar 26, 2009, at 6:54 PM
  • *

    To set the record straight, I am not against nuclear power at all. I just do not think this company is the right fit for this project. I have seen them make a promise at one meeting only to contradict it at the next meeting. They seem to say what they think the current audience wants to hear and forgets about it once the meeting is over. I have not seen any of the farmers that they claim are in support of the project come forward. I have seen many, many people speak out against the project for numerous reasons. Where are the all the farmers that support the project as they claim on their website?

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Thu, Mar 26, 2009, at 7:57 PM
  • OM have you read any of your past posts? POT kettle! I do sleep well not having defamed and libeled people as you have done. I do believe you have spoken at least one truth, you live for conflict. As to your fear mongering on nuclear power, all I can do is ask others to seek out education and not be swayed by misinformation from you. You have an opinion on everything How about some constructive options/solutions! Since you are so against this project, how would you meet the demand for energy in our county and state?

    -- Posted by Whyarentyoulistening? on Thu, Mar 26, 2009, at 10:24 PM
  • Well said WAYL, well said.

    -- Posted by MrMister on Mon, Mar 30, 2009, at 10:10 PM
  • WAYL, I think OM is too busy volunteering in the schools, helping with local recreation programs and donating time at the soup kitchen to read her past posts much. people like her really build this place up and make it better for everyone. I was being realy sarcastic.

    -- Posted by walmart_greeter on Tue, Mar 31, 2009, at 4:15 PM
  • WAYL, I think OM is too busy volunteering in the schools, helping with local recreation programs and donating time at the soup kitchen to read her past posts much. people like her really build this place up and make it better for everyone. I was being realy sarcastic.

    -- Posted by walmart_greeter on Tue, Mar 31, 2009, at 4:16 PM
  • *

    I did some research, sat through a sales pitch from Mr. Gilesepe and developed my own opinion about his company. I did not let the words of OM or anyone else sway me in anyway. What I am tired of is that many accuse OM of always being negative when I have seen her try to express her OPINION and the facts as she sees them. I am not AGAINST nuclear power but I do have some serious reservations about this company and the lack of experience.

    I think others are far too busy attacking others to actually do some RESEARCH and develop an opinion of their own. I am not going to say who I think fits this mold as I am not going to stoop that low.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Tue, Mar 31, 2009, at 6:44 PM
  • What can be said about a company that offers jobs to people that are desparate for jobs if they speak up in support of that company?

    -- Posted by AtomicDog on Fri, Apr 3, 2009, at 3:29 PM
  • I do volunteer in this community. And I volunteer because I want to not because I have an agenda.

    Good point OG.

    Have I read my past posts? No, I had my secretary write them for me under my name. What kind of question was that?

    As far as me being "against everything...all that is good..." that is not true. I support the projects on this town that CAN be sustained and will not be a burden to those that pay taxes---we are already "taxed" enough with this economy. Ms. Bowman does great work with the youth center and I fully support that effort, it is needed. I am only against the things in this community that over time will ruin the environment and quality of life for future generations and "plans" for this community that will tax some right out of this area. I am a business person and I am sorry if I look at a plan and demand all of the details as opposed to part of the story or the things that "they" want us to know. Darn it for attempting to make good, educated, informed decisions. So sorry that I do not fall for the false promises of great jobs, etc. Look at the guys financials in his SEC filing of a few days ago. That ALONE tells the story. If some of you want to fall for the lies, go for it. It does not mean that I have to or that I cannot share the FACTS that are out there...if you are willing to look and read.

    Do I read my posts? What a telling comment.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sat, Apr 4, 2009, at 10:29 AM
  • I received the dvd and found it informative, I liked the fact that several independent resources for researching facts on nuclear power plants were listed at the end of the video. The simple facts are nuclear power plants have strict stringent guidelines and watchdogs such as the nuclear regulatory commission, epa, etc. To gather correct facts you can contact any of these sources. I see the need for non-carbon based power without dependence on foreign products for the US.

    For all the people out there who are so against this plant, PLEASE tell us what are any other options? Solar and wind can't meet the need, hydro is at its limit. So, if we decide to follow what the nay sayers push we will be forever dependent on foreign carbon based polluting products. AGAIN I ask OM and others for options. If the argument is they don't like this company, so what... a nuclear power plant is governed by more than the company.

    As to impact on the county that is why the procedures for allowing a plant include environmental impact studies, transportation impact studies, as well as other requirements. Conditional Use Permits can require the company to improve roads prior to building the plant or other restrictions to protect the infrastructure of the county or any burden on the county from occurring. As to the design of the plant itself, there again are very strict safety regulations. As to water usage, I have read many posts and talked with the Idaho Dept. of Water Resources to verify those facts, and found it to be true that watering a field would easily use more water than the plant.

    So, I again ask what are the true issues, and what are other options and plead with people to not believe just posts but to get out and do the research, contact independent resources for their information.

    -- Posted by Whyarentyoulistening? on Thu, Apr 9, 2009, at 11:31 AM
  • OM, sarcasm aside. In your posts you attack anyone who opposes your opinion, when asked for options or presented with facts that contradict your information you either ignore them or go off on some other tangent. I have read post after post of yours where you get personal and rude. Case in point is your attack on SmallTown, or where you defamed the consultant who worked with the P&Z on the new ordinances. As you have stated you "live for conflict".

    But if all your posts good or bad generate conversation and debate then thank you.

    -- Posted by Whyarentyoulistening? on Thu, Apr 9, 2009, at 11:40 AM
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