How to avoid paper clutter in your home
Tips for avoiding clutter in the home office:
* Pay bills online when possible.
* Develop a system for tackling mail as soon as it arrives. Shred unnecessary papers. Immediately sort the rest of the mail into items that will need attention, such as bills to pay or invitations to respond to, and items that need to be filed, like bank statements or paperwork related to a health insurance claim.
* Store cards that you're getting ready to send or tickets to an upcoming event with your pending mail. Make sure these papers are stored in an easily accessible place.
* Consider developing a folder for each week of the month. Place all the items that need attention in a given week in the same folder.
* File paperwork regularly.
* Provide each of your children with a bin or box labeled with their name. Allow them to fill it with artwork, school papers or other keepsakes. At the end of the year, have them go through the box and choose what they want to save. It may help to set a limit. Move the chosen papers to a bin or three-ring binder for long-term storage, and reuse the box the following year.