Darleen Watson to be named as 2009's Person of the Year

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Darleen Watson will be honored at the Black History Banquet.

Darleen Watson will be honored as the Person of the Year at Friday's 20th Annual Mountain Home Community Black History Committee Banquet.

The annual banquet serves as a platform to praise the contributions of local African-Americans to the community.

The banquet, to be held at the American Legion Hall, 515 E. 2nd South St., begins at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour, followed by dinner, speeches, and the presentation of a number of awards, including presentation of the Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thurgood Marshall awards for community service and service to the committee. The cost is $30 per person to attend.

Lt. Gov. Brad Little will be the featured speaker at the banquet.

Lt. Gov. Brad Little will be the featured speaker. Little became Idaho's lieutenant governor in January of this year after the former lieutenant governor, Jim Risch, won election to the United States senate. A native of Emmett, he formerly served in the Idaho Legislature as a senator from District 11, and was the majority caucus chairman.

Watson, this year's Person of the Year, is being honored for her extensive community service in Mountain HomeDarleen Watson will be honored as the Person of the Year at Friday's 20th Annual Mountain Home Community Black History Committee Banquet.

The annual banquet serves as a platform to praise the contributions of local African-Americans to the community.

The banquet, to be held at the American Legion Hall, 515 E. 2nd South St., begins at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour, followed by dinner, speeches, and the presentation of a number of awards, including presentation of the Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thurgood Marshall awards for community service and service to the committee. The cost is $30 per person to attend.

Lt. Gov. Brad Little will be the featured speaker. Little became Idaho's lieutenant governor in January of this year after the former lieutenant governor, Jim Risch, won election to the United States senate. A native of Emmett, he formerly served in the Idaho Legislature as a senator from District 11, and was the majority caucus chairman.

Watson, this year's Person of the Year, is being honored for her extensive community service in Mountain Home. See the mountainhomenews for the complete story.

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  • Congratulations Mrs. Watson

    Your are the greatest person inside & out. I am very proud to see you getting honored as the person of the year. Once again, congratulations...

    -- Posted by Lupita on Tue, Feb 17, 2009, at 12:12 AM
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